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Hamid Vahed

May 29, 2024 Length: 927 words 0 comments

The Death of Ayatollah Death

Summary: Iranian revolutionary views death of President Ebrahim Raisi — Editors

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Jens Johansson

May 13, 2024 Length: 361 words 0 comments

Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations at the Eurovision Song Contest

Summary: Pro-Palestinian demonstrations gathered in Malmö, Sweden to show support for the people of Gaza – Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga,
Rocio Lopez,
Lyndon Porter

May 8, 2024 Length: 1066 words 0 comments

UCLA Protests Intensify: Pro-Palestinian Encampment Targeted by Fascist Assault

Summary: Following violent assaults by fascist counter-protestors and police, UCLA faces widespread condemnation, triggering solidarity nationwide against the backdrop of escalating violence in Gaza. — Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga

April 29, 2024 Length: 907 words 1 comments

Student Movement for Palestine at UCLA

Summary: Pro-Palestine protestors subject to racist and misogynist attacks by sometimes violent Zionist counter demonstrators – Editors

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Jackson Aquino

April 28, 2024 Length: 718 words 0 comments

Inside the Gaza Protests at University of Southern California

Summary: Student recounts demonstrations and harsh police response – Editors

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Hamid Vahed

April 28, 2024 Length: 460 words 0 comments

Iranian Regime Is Not a True Friend of the Palestinians

Summary: As we support Palestine, don’t forget Iran’s crackdown on workers, women, and national minorities — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 27, 2024 Length: 804 words 0 comments

College Occupations and Walk-Outs Spread to Chicago

Summary: On student liberation zones and walk-outs in the Chicago area in response to the nationwide protests in support of Palestinian self-determination and against Israel’s ongoing genocide — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

April 25, 2024 Length: 651 words 0 comments

On the Occasion of May Day: Labor and the Indian Elections

Summary: This article by an Indian worker and member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organisation and Mazdoor Unity on the need to intensify the class struggle in light of India’s presidential elections was distributed at May Day rallies there. (It is translated by Naresh Lokhande) — Editors

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Sam Friedman

April 22, 2024 Length: 199 words 2 comments

Once, we marched as one

Summary: Poem on the war in Ukraine — Editors

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Eleonora Roldán Mendívil

April 5, 2024 Length: 971 words 0 comments

Latin America’s great amauta: The Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui

Summary: This discussion of the life and thought of one of Latin America’s most important Marxist theorists is a review of In the Red Corner. The Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui, by Mike Gonzalez [https://www.haymarketbooks.org/books/1165-in-the-red-corner].

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Diane Gündüz

April 3, 2024 Length: 1404 words 0 comments

Democratic Scenes from Türkiye

Summary: Despite promising electoral results, Türkiye faces challenges to its democratic integrity, highlighted by allegations of electoral manipulation and suppression, especially in Kurdish-majority regions — Editors

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Ba Karang

April 2, 2024 Length: 459 words 0 comments

Challenging Sexism in the Gambia: The Battle Against FGM Revisited

Summary: Conservative attempt to roll back Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) meets feminist opposition — Editors

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Peter Hudis

March 26, 2024 Length: 2524 words 1 comments

Charges of Antisemitism Weaponized

Summary: Highlights the weaponization of charges of antisemitism to silence leftist critics of Israeli policies, noting the convergence of the far-right and left-of-center neoliberals in demonizing such critics.

First appeared in Against the Current No. 229 here: https://againstthecurrent.org/atc229/charges-of-antisemitism-weaponized/ — Editors

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Rory Diola

March 23, 2024 Length: 522 words 0 comments

Protest Over Closing of UCSB MultiCultural Center in Wake of Pro-Palestinian Posters

Summary: Day of protest organized by pro-Palestinian students and Black Studies faculty after UC Santa Barbara administration shuts down MultiCultural Center — Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga,
Jared Ware

March 23, 2024 Length: 191 words 0 comments

[Video] Fanon, Anti-Colonial Education and Marxist-Humanism with Ndindi Kitonga

Summary: In this episode, sponsored by Millennials Are Killing Capitalism Live!, Jared Ware welcome Ndindi Kitonga to the show to discuss Frantz Fanon, Marxist-Humanism, and Ndindi’s work on anti-colonial education and pedagogy – Editors

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