Raya Dunayevskaya

Raya Dunayevskaya was the founder of Marxist Humanism in the United States and the author of the “trilogy of revolution”: Marxism and Freedom: From 1776 until Today; Philosophy and Revolution: From Hegel to Sartre and from Marx to Mao; and Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution. These works represent the development of her 1953 breakthrough on Hegel’s Absolute Idea, when she saw within the Absolute Idea a movement from practice as a well as a movement from theory. She perceived this unity as a vision of a new human society.

Articles From This Author

Raya Dunayevskaya

La teoría de la Alienación; la deuda de Marx con Hegel

Summary: This article was translated into Spanish by Patricio Guzmán and published in his blog. The original, entitled “The Theory of Alienation: Marx’s Debt to Hegel,” was published as an appendix to…

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