
Home / Statements

Statements express positions of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on specific issues and have been approved by a vote of either the membership as a whole or the steering committee.

The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

December 25, 2018 Length: 323 words 1 comments

Help Continue the Work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Summary: We need your help to continue the work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.

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The Los Angeles Chapter of International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 28, 2018 Length: 584 words 2 comments

May Day Statement: For a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: We need the complete uprooting of capital and class, but also of oppressions based upon race, gender, and sexual identity, while also projecting a viable alternative to capitalism. Image: Haymarket Memorial near Chicago — Editors

Armenian Translation
Persian Translation

Spanish Translation

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 9, 2018 Length: 6184 words 0 comments

World Contradictions in the Trump Era and the Tasks of Marxist-Humanism

Summary: Slightly abbreviated version of our 2018 Convention Call, covering issues like the global neo-fascist threat and its roots in racism, xenophobia, and sexism; forces of opposition like the West Virginia teachers; skyrocketing economic inequality alongside a declining rate of profit; and the responsibilities of Marxist-Humanists this year, on the 60th anniversary of the publication of Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom — Editors

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

January 14, 2017 Length: 560 words 0 comments

Build a Real Challenge to Capitalism in the Trump Era

Summary: The political realities that brought Trump to power are part of a worldwide trend reflecting the next stage of capitalism, struggling to reinvent itself yet again in the face of new economic and social realities– Editors

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 17, 2016 Length: 5432 words 3 comments

Theoretical and Practical Perspectives for Overcoming Capitalism

Summary: This statement on the current situation was drafted on March 27 in preparation for our international gathering this summer. Because it covers a wide range of issues pertinent to the global revolutionary movement, we have decided to make it public now — Editors

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The Chicago Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

November 25, 2015 Length: 672 words 14 comments

Beyond the Chicago Police Murder and Cover-Up: Toward a New Humanity

Summary: The murder of Laquan McDonald reveals not only the depravity of the Chicago cop who killed him but also of the entire police department, criminal justice system, and political forces that sought to conceal this crime and that of others against people of color all over the U.S. — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 22, 2015 Length: 508 words 3 comments

Russian Intervention in Syria and Interimperialist

Both the recent moves over Syria and the Iran agreement are part of a broader realignment of global and regional powers that above all want to restore “order” in the Middle East – Editors.

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

November 25, 2014 Length: 655 words 0 comments

After Ferguson, There Is No Justice in America

There is no justice in America—not for victims of police abuse, and surely not for Blacks and Latinos who are enduring the oppressive apparatus an American “civilization” that long ago shed its last trace of humanity.

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 11, 2014 Length: 1025 words 4 comments

Syria: Revolutionaries Caught Between ISIS and US Imperialism

All eyes are on Kobane, Syria, where Kurdish forces, women as well as men, are under threat of extermination from the reactionary ISIS, even as they seek to defend their social gains. They are doing so in the face of several other forces of reaction, whether US imperialism, the genocidal Assad regime, or the virulently anti-Kurdish Turkish regime – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

September 15, 2014 Length: 2891 words 0 comments

Statement on Some Important Issues for 2014-2015

The following is adapted from the Call that preceded our July 2014 Convention in Chicago. It takes up several issues of key importance to those struggling to overcome the stranglehold of capitalism, from the economy and Ukraine to the dialectics of race/class/revolution and the contributions of Marxist-Humanists to the fight for a new humanist society. We also call attention to our July statement of the IMHO on Gaza and to our August analysis of Ferguson, Missouri, as well as to our June statement on the challenge of ISIS. – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

July 21, 2014 Length: 995 words 1 comments

Stop the Israeli Invasion of Gaza! Stop the Endless War Against the Palestinians!

Israel’s ongoing invasion, by land, sea and air, of the Gaza Strip is completely unjustified and involves yet another round of pointless killing of innocent civilians. The Israelis and Palestinians will obtain no respite from yet another pointless war over Gaza until the Israeli state and public acknowledges the right of the Palestinians to their own viable independent state—something that first of all requires the cessation of all hostilities against the Palestinians and the removal of Jewish settlers from the occupied West Bank — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

June 22, 2014 Length: 947 words 1 comments

Tragedy in Iraq and Syria: Will It Swallow Up the Arab Revolutions?

The sudden collapse of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, in the face of a well-organized transregional attack by extreme jihadists allied with Baathist nationalists, illustrated once again just how big a defeat the US experienced in Iraq. For the forces that took over Mosul and swept down toward Baghdad were the very ones, rooted in the Sunni Arab minority, which had fought the US for six years. So much for the “shock and awe” of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld invasion and the “surge” under the bemedalled General Petraeus! All of which cost the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and 4500 US troops.

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

August 30, 2013 Length: 648 words 2 comments

Against U.S. Attack on Syria! Against the Assad Regime and Other Reactionary Forces! For the Grassroots Syrian Revolution!

As the U.S. rattles its sabers against the Assad regime in Syria in the wake of an apparent attack on civilians with chemical weapons, the situation remains murky. A number of forces — the U.S.-Britain-France, their sometime allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar, the murderous Assad regime, and equally murderous jihadis — are all seeking to stifle the yearnings of the Syrian people to be free of the domination of both local authoritarians and global imperialism – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

September 30, 2011 Length: 258 words 0 comments

Greetings to the Iranian Left Alliance Abroad

This statement on behalf of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization was presented by Ali Reza on September 30, at the beginning of the Third Conference of the Iranian Left Alliance Abroad, Montreal, Canada – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 26, 2011 Length: 475 words 0 comments


May Day greetings to Iranian workers, stressing the imprisonment of Tehran workers’ leader Mansour Osanloo and the situation facing Iranian labor in light of the Arab upheavals of 2011. – Editors

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