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Statements express positions of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on specific issues and have been approved by a vote of either the membership as a whole or the steering committee.
Greetings to the Iranian Left Alliance Abroad
This statement on behalf of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization was presented by Ali Reza on September 30, at the beginning of the Third Conference of the Iranian Left Alliance Abroad, Montreal, Canada – Editors
May Day greetings to Iranian workers, stressing the imprisonment of Tehran workers’ leader Mansour Osanloo and the situation facing Iranian labor in light of the Arab upheavals of 2011. – Editors

For Freedom & Democracy in Iran
Statement of the Committee in Solidarity with the People’s Struggle in Iran – Chicago
The regime of the Islamic Republic, fearing the eruption of mass protests and challenges to its existence, has again intensified its barbaric detentions, tortures and executions.
Support the People of Afghanistan and Pakistan in the Face of Imperialist War and Fundamentalist Retrogression!
As the U.S./NATO war and occupation enters its tenth year, the conflict in Afghanistan is in fact deepening. The long-suffering Afghan people have experienced war for most of the last 30 years, ever since the USSR invaded to prop up a pro-Russian regime and the U.S., Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia responded by supporting Islamist reactionaries.
Support the Iranian People’s Movement against the Repressive Regime!
The following statement by the US Marxist-Humanists, London Corresponding Committee and international Marxist-Humanists from Canada, India, and West Africa is a contribution for the events in solidarity with the democracy movement in Iran in September and the fall.
The Twin Tragedies of the Gaza War
Statement of the U.S. Marxist-Humanists
Israel’s war on Gaza killed 1300 Palestinians, over 400 of them children. Its military has committed war crimes on a vast scale. These included indiscriminate shelling and air strikes against a civilian population of 1.4 million people with nowhere to flee. The Israeli armed forces deliberately targeted schools, hospitals, mosques, and United Nations agencies. Israeli forces also used white phosphorus shells in civilian areas, another war crime. In what amounts to a macabre battlefield “experiment,” they additionally used a horrific new weapon, the Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME), which slices up people within a small radius. DIME is likely to be banned under the Geneva Convention.