Karel Ludenhoff

Karel Ludenhoff is an Amsterdam-based labor activist and a writer on Marx’s critique of political economy whose essays have appeared in Logos and other journals.

Articles From This Author

Karel Ludenhoff

In the Ocean of Crisis: Right-wing Populism and Awakening Fascism vs. Marxist-Humanism and Freedom

Summary: Examines right-wing populism and its similarities/differences with fascism, and the relationship of both to economic crisis, both today and in the writings of Trotsky, Grossmann, Sohn-Rethel,…

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Karel Ludenhoff

Dutch Elections: Another Repudiation of Rightwing Populism

Summary: Dutch elections repudiate populist Right and show gains by anti-populist left-of-centre parties, with the exception of the social democrats, who were discredited by their neoliberal policies…

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Karel Ludenhoff

Austria: A Clear Repudiation of Far Right

Summary: Austria’s presidential election showed a repudiation of the Far Right, of xenophobia, and of Islamophobia, as well as the duplicity of the mainstream Austrian People’s Party — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

Further Discussion on Action & Analysis

Summary: This article responds to Hamid Assian’s “On Action & Analysis,” published here on Feb. 11  and to the comment on it and on theory and practice by Mia Carlsen — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

Greece, Grexit, Socialism: The National and International Dimensions

In the run-up to the second general election in Greece this year, Karel Ludenhoff assesses the thinking and strategies of the Greek Left following the capitulation of the Syriza government under the l…

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Karel Ludenhoff

Two Strands in Syriza, the Euro, and the Dictatorship of Capital

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by Mehrdad Emami and published in Critique of Political Economy. The original was published in the International Marxist-Humanist, July 19, 2015 and c…

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Karel Ludenhoff

Two Strands in Syriza, the Euro, and the Dictatorship of Capital

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by Mehrdad Emami and published in Critique of Political Economy. The original was published in the International Marxist-Humanist, July 19, 2015 and c…

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Karel Ludenhoff

Two Strands in Syriza, the Euro, and the Dictatorship of Capital

Karel Ludenhoff assesses the climbdown of the Tsipras government in the Brussels bailout negotiations days after the Greek people voted down the EU’s austerity demands — Editors.

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Karel Ludenhoff

Henryk Grossmann vs. Rosa Luxemburg on the Causes and Meaning of Economic Crises — Not Just History

A discussion — in light of the Great Recession and of current debates over economic crisis and its causes — of Henryk Grossman’s 1929 critique of  Rosa Luxemburg’s thesis in Accumulation of Capital th…

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