Heather A. Brown

Heather A. Brown has written widely on Marxism, feminism, and ecology and is the author of Marx on Gender and the Family.

Articles From This Author

Heather A. Brown

Ecology and Life in the Pandemic: Capital’s Treadmill of Growth and Destruction

Summary: Report to the July 2020 Interim Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, slightly updated — Editors

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Heather A. Brown

Covid-19 Lays Bare Capitalism’s Deference to Profits over Lives

Summary: Covid-19 pandemic reveals contradictions of capital and class in Trump’s America — Editors

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Heather A. Brown

Ford Takes on Kavanaugh Amid the Revolutionary Ferment of the #MeToo Movement – With a New Postscript

Summary: First published on September 30, now with a postscript about the consequences of Kavanaugh’s confirmation — Editors

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Heather A. Brown

Ford Takes on Kavanaugh Amid the Revolutionary Ferment of the #MeToo Movement

On Thursday, September 27, many in the US and throughout the world sat riveted to their digital screens as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Com…

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Heather A. Brown

Ecology, Feminism and the Renewal of Marxism

Summary: As awareness grows relative to the pernicious nature of capital in regards to both ecological destruction and gender oppression, there is a need to work out a truly inclusive, non-hierarchica…

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Heather A. Brown

Gender and Capital 150 Years Later

Summary: Discusses how Marx challenges the dualism of productive and reproductive labor and argues that Marx is amenable to a feminist interpretation. Originally appeared in Logos: A Journal of Modern…

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Heather A. Brown

Genere e famiglia in Marx: una rassegna

Summary: This translation into Italian of parts of the conclusion of Brown’s Marx on Gender and the Family was first published on the website Traduzioni marxiste and can be found here https://traduzio…

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Heather A. Brown,
Estelle Cooch

Towards a Marxist Theory of Gender?

Heather Brown, author of the acclaimed book, Marx on Gender and the Family: A Critical Study, is interviewed by Estelle Cooch on differences between the approaches of Marx and Engels to gender, femini…

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Heather A. Brown

Marx on Gender and the Family: A Summary

Summary: Summary of Heather A. Brown’s “Marx on Gender and the Family”. Portuguese translation here.

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Books written by this author

Events from this author

[[Los Angeles]] Marx on Gender and Indigenous Societies: An Open Dialectic for the Future

October 2, 2022
5:00-7:00 PM, Los Angeles time

2221 Barry Ave LA CA 90064

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[Zoom] Markets, Expendable Workers and Coronavirus: Capitalism’s Contempt for Life

April 5, 2020
6:00-8:00 PM Pacific Time

World Wide Web

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[Los Angeles] Marx’s Species Being, Ecology and Feminism: Theorizing a Marxist-Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

July 21, 2019
6:00-9:00 PM

Poetic Research Bureau
951 Chung King Road, Chinatown, LA 90012

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