Zoom Markets, Expendable Workers and Coronavirus: Capitalism’s Contempt for Life
Zoom link here: https://zoom.us/j/535624225 Password: 846846
Meeting starts at 6 PM Pacific time.
The spread of Coronavirus has laid bare the deep contradictions of capitalism and its hostility to human life, especially in the heart of neoliberal thought, the United States. We will explore this crisis alongside Marx, Luxemburg, and Dunayevskaya on the dehumanization of capitalist relations as well as possibilities for overcoming this dehumanization.
Heather Brown is the author of MARX ON GENDER AND THE FAMILY and she teaches at Westfield State University in Massachusetts. In late March, she published an article, “Covid-19 Lays Bare Capitalisms Deference to Profits over Lives,” in THE INTERNATIONAL MARXIST-HUMANIST, here https://imhojournal.org/articles/covid-19-lays-bare-capitalisms-deference-to-profits-over-lives/
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