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Ali Kiani

January 15, 2018 Length: 1870 words 0 comments

New Uprisings in Iran: A Preliminary Analysis

Summary: Presented at a forum, “Responding to Capitalism’s Wars at Home and Abroad,” in Los Angeles on January 14, sponsored by the Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice and first published on the CPRSJ website, here https://cprsj.wordpress.com/2018/01/26/new-uprisings-in-iran-a-preliminary-analysis-by-ali-kiani/  — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 14, 2018 Length: 1440 words 0 comments

Trump’s War Threats and a World in Crisis

Summary: Presented at a forum, “Responding to Capitalism’s Wars at Home and Abroad,” in Los Angeles, sponsored by the Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice and first published on the CPRSJ website — Editors

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January 4, 2018 Length: 831 words 0 comments

Book Review: The Strangers Among Us: Tales from a Global Migrant Worker Movement. Edited by Joseph B. Atkins – reviewed by Richard Abernethy

Summary: A look at migrant workers in many countries, their experiences and struggles and the organisations they are building. Originally published by LabourStart, 2016 — Editors

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An Iranian Marxist

January 3, 2018 Length: 864 words 1 comments

Iran Uprising after Five Days

Summary: This assessment from inside Iran during the uprising has just reached us. For this author’s earlier assessment, also published by us, see “Is Iran Moving Toward a Real Revolution”  — Editors

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An Iranian Marxist

December 31, 2017 Length: 597 words 1 comments

Is Iran Moving Toward a Real Revolution?

Summary: A brief preliminary assessment of the situation in Iran in the first days of the revolt from a longtime Marxist inside the country, where youth have risen up against unemployment, poverty, and theocratic dictatorship. Translated by Ali Kiani — Editors

(Original Persian Version)

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Ottokar Luban,
Gyorgy Szell

December 28, 2017 0 comments

Obituary: Professor Narihiko Ito (1931 – 2017) Founder and (honorable) Chairman of the International Rosa Luxemburg Society

Summary: Gyorgy Szell and Ottokar Luban at the Rosa Luxemburg Blog remember the contributions and accomplishments of Professor Narihiko Ito. This article, translated into English by Sobhanlal Datta Gupta, was originally published in the Rosa Luxemburg Blog, December 11th, 2017.

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December 23, 2017 Length: 215 words 0 comments

Release Iranian Labor Activist Reza Shahabi!

Summary: Demands release of an Iranian labor activist whose medical condition has deteriorated — Editors

(Persian Translation)

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 26, 2017 0 comments

On the Centenary of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution

Summary: Discussion of 1917 in terms of Lenin’s concepts of state and revolution, imperialism/national liberation, and the need to uproot capitalism. Also looks at Lenin’s and Trotsky’s differences with Luxemburg and the relevance of the experience of 1917 for today, in the era since Occupy and the Arab revolutions. Originally appeared as part of an international symposium, “The Bolshevik Revolution, One Hundred Years After,” Crisis & Critique 4:2, Nov. 7, 2017 — Editors

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Coalition for Peace; Revolution and Social Justice (CPRSJ)

November 25, 2017 Length: 147 words 0 comments

Red and Black Friday in Los Angeles

Summary: Account by Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice (CPRSJ) of demonstration in Los Angeles. Originally appeared HERE  — Editors

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Iranian Activists in Los Angeles

November 12, 2017 Length: 234 words 0 comments

Demand Immediate Release of Mahmoud Salehi

Summary: Call for the Iranian regime to release longtime labor activist, whose life is at risk due to serious health problems – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 9, 2017 Length: 3920 words 1 comments

Marx’s Capital After 150 Years: Revolutionary Reflections

Summary: Focuses on commodity fetishism, free and associated labor, permanent unemployment, revolution, and race/ethnicity within the working classes. Orig. appeared in Socialism and Democracy 31:1 (2017) and in escholarship, UCSB, here https://escholarship.org/uc/item/75p9f598 — Editors

[Image Credit: Jose Rodriguez]

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Ali Kiani,
Dyne Suh

November 6, 2017 Length: 1302 words 0 comments

Three Speeches at the October 27 CPRSJ Demonstration against War Threats over Korea and Iran (Los Angeles)

Summary: From a demonstration sponsored by the LA-based Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice (CPRSJ) and originally published on its website on  November 6, 2017 – Editors

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Albert Terry III

October 11, 2017 Length: 8 words 0 comments

A Few Words on Marxism and Identity Politics

Summary: This article examines identity politics, and the intersections between race and class to argue for a new “Marxist identity politics” that overcomes class reductionism, while standing against an understanding of identity politics that abstracts from a class analysis. Orig. published on Jan. 8, 2017 in Left Voice – Editors

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Eric Small

October 10, 2017 Length: 3402 words 0 comments

Racist Police Killings in Seattle: The Injustice and the Response

Summary: A pattern of police killings of people of color in Seattle has led to persistent community protests, but no real change — Editors

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