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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 29, 2019 Length: 585 words 0 comments

May Day: For a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: May Day/International Workers’ Day as retrospective and perspective for today — Editors

(Portuguese translation)

(Swedish translation)

(Persian translation)

(Spanish translation)

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Mounia Bennani-Chraïbi

April 28, 2019 Length: 5 words 0 comments

University professors concerned about academic freedom restrictions on Maâti Monjib

Statement of support for Moroccan historian, journalist, and human rights activist Maati Monjib, who has also translated Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom and works by Victor Serge into Arabic — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 12, 2019 Length: 6324 words 3 comments

What is Democratic Socialism? What is Socialist Democracy?

Reviews new book by Alexandros Chrysis, ‘True Democracy’ as a Prelude to Communism: The Marx of Democracy. Explores meaning of democratic socialism and socialist democracy through discussion of Marx’s early writings on politics (1837-43) and their political/philosophical significance for today — Editors

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 6, 2019 Length: 692 words 6 comments

Hands Off Venezuela! For Socialist Democracy!

Summary: Opposing US imperialist intervention in Venezuela and the responsibilities of the left — Editors

Farsi translation in right hand column.

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Coalition for Peace; Revolution and Social Justice (CPRSJ)

March 21, 2019 Length: 128 words 0 comments

Report-Back on Los Angeles Venezuela Demonstration

Protesting escalating US imperialist aggression against Venezuela, while also calling for socialist democracy in the face of both US imperialism and an internal turn toward authoritarianism. First appeared on March 20, 2019 on website of Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice (CPRSJ), here – Editors

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Peter Hudis

March 21, 2019 Length: 10126 words 1 comments

Harry McShane and the Scottish Roots of Marxist Humanism

This essay was originally published as a pamphlet by the John MacLean Society in Glasgow, Scotland in 1993. We make it available now because of growing interest in the relation between everyday freedom struggles and a philosophy of liberation — Editors

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Peter Hudis

March 21, 2019 Length: 16 words 2 comments

[Audio] Peter Hudis’s Introduction to Reading “Marxism and Freedom” by Raya Dunayevskaya

In this January 2019 talk to an ongoing study group in Sheffield, UK (contact us for more info), Peter Hudis introduces Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom and takes up its importance for today – Editors

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Hernán Ouviña

March 15, 2019 Length: 5420 words 0 comments

Rosa Reloaded: Rosa Luxemburg and Our Civilisational Crisis

The following is an excerpt from Rosa Luxemburgo y la reinvención de la política. Una lectura desde América Latina, scheduled for publication on January 15th by Editorial El Colectivo and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (Argentina).

The piece was originally published here.

Translated by Nicolas Allen

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Ndindi Kitonga

February 24, 2019 Length: 1354 words 0 comments

“At the River I Stand” and the Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike: Race, Class, and the Struggle for Dignity

Comments at a showing For Black History Month by the LA chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization, of “At the River I Stand,” a documentary on the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike. Photo by Ernest Withers of March 28 demonstration — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

February 17, 2019 Length: 1086 words 0 comments

Hungary’s Winter of Discontent

While Viktor Orbán’s regime has become a beacon for the hard right in Europe and beyond, it is now being challenged by mass protests over work hours and other issues. But the opposition has serious contradictions – Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

February 6, 2019 Length: 613 words 1 comments

The Struggle in France Goes On!

Yellow Vests and key trade unions unite in large demonstrations against neoliberal policies of Macron government. Poster states: “The Future Belongs to Those Who Struggle” — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Ndindi Kitonga,
Lilia D. Monzó,
Valencia Rivera

February 1, 2019 Length: 3347 words 0 comments

LA Strike: Self-Mobilization of Teachers and Communities

The massive and partially victorious LA teachers’ strike showed a new teacher militancy, widespread community participation especially in Latinx neighborhoods, and new issues brought to the fore by this historic confrontation between labor and the power structure — Editors

By Ndindi Kitonga; Lilia Monzo; Valencia Rivera; Kevin B. Anderson

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Marea Socialista

January 29, 2019 Length: 769 words 2 comments

[Discussion Article on Venezuela] The people no longer want Maduro, and no one chose Guaidó

We are publishing this article from Venezuelan socialists in order to stimulate discussion about how to oppose imperialist pressure/intervention against their country by the reactionary Trump administration and its allies. As revolutionaries, many of us based inside the imperialist countries, we need to direct most of our fire against Trump and other would-be interventionists. This is especially crucial given the administration’s outright threat of a U.S. military invasion of Venezuela and the sanctions it imposed on importing oil from Venezuela on January 29, which will have a devastating impact on lives of its people. This marks the most open and virulent effort on the part of the U.S. to violate the sovereignty of a Latin American nation in 30 years. At the same time, our opposition to imperialism is on a Marxist-Humanist basis. Therefore we also oppose the Maduro regime’s increasingly anti-democratic and autocratic policies, without in any way supporting the rightwing U.S.-backed opposition. We look forward to comments from our readers. Originally appeared on January 24, 2019 here — Editors

Spanish translation

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Murzban Jal

January 25, 2019 Length: 5450 words 0 comments

The Other Marx

Review article on Marx at the Margins: On Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies by Kevin Anderson that discusses the book in light of Marxism in India and globally. Originally appeared in Economic & Political Weekly (Mumbai, India), Vol. 54, No. 3, here — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

January 23, 2019 Length: 1069 words 2 comments

Capitalism is a Curse for Humanity

In this piece, Lalan, a worker in Nagpur, India, reflects upon his experiences, past and present, of so called “accidents” at work, and their relationship to capitalism’s demand for profit. Originally written in Hindi, translated by Arvind Ghosh.

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