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Damian Algabre

June 28, 2020 Length: 1178 words 0 comments

LA Pride: Making Sure All Black Lives Matter

Summary: An exploration of tensions between Black ground-up organizing and longstanding corporate Pride in Los Angeles through the “All Black Lives Matter” march.

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Alireza Kia

June 20, 2020 Length: 222 words 0 comments

Juneteenth in Chicago

Summary: Participant’s account from a longtime Iranian-American activist — Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga

June 13, 2020 Length: 1151 words 0 comments

Black Lives Matter Uprising in Los Angeles: Working Toward a New Humanist Society

Summary: Based on comments delivered on June 6, 2020 to an Another Europe meeting based in London, UK, “America’s uprising: racism, violence, inequality and the far right” — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

June 12, 2020 Length: 1661 words 0 comments

Notes on the Black Lives Matter Uprising in Historical and Global Context

Summary: The Black Lives Matter uprising in the USA, the working-class resistance to unsafe conditions in Italy, and the fight by Hong Kong youth against the repressive Chinese regime exemplify a new generation on the move for radical change. First appeared in New Politics Online — Editors

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Melissa Wilk

June 6, 2020 Length: 1025 words 0 comments

‘Canada’s Not Innocent’: Anti-racism protesters rally in Edmonton, Alberta

Summary: Anti-racist demonstration in Edmonton draws over 15,000 – Editors.

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Shaista Aziz,
Dawn Butler,
Aliyah Hasinah,
Peter Hudis,
Ndindi Kitonga

June 6, 2020 Length: 33 words 0 comments

[Video] America’s Uprising: Racism, Violence, Inequality and the Far Right

Summary: Recorded video of an online presentation and discussion on June 6, on “America’s Uprising: Racism, Violence, Inequality and the Far Right” sponsored by Another Europe is Possible.

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Kevork Sassouni

June 2, 2020 Length: 1431 words 0 comments

Los Angeles Protests over George Floyd Murder: A New Movement in the Making

Summary: First-hand account of Los Angeles protests against racist police murder of George Floyd and its relationship to systemic racism and capitalism — Editors

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Chris Aquino

May 31, 2020 Length: 1419 words 2 comments

The Murder of George Floyd by Capitalist Racists

Summary: Police suffocation of George Floyd sets US ablaze, revealing underlying racial and class oppression — Editors

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Sevgi Doğan,
Peter Hudis

May 30, 2020 Length: 3320 words 1 comments

Covid-19, the Anti-Racist Movement, and the Search for a Socialist Alternative: An Interview with Peter Hudis

Interview with Peter Hudis by Sevgi Doğan on the pandemic, the recent rebellion, and the socialist alternative. First appeared in in Turkish translation in the journal Gazete DuvaR – Editors.

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Sam Friedman

May 27, 2020 Length: 356 words 0 comments

Three Poems on Covid-19

Three poems on Covid-19 by Sam Friedman.

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Jessica Pisano

May 20, 2020 Length: 89 words 2 comments

[Video] Dismantling Democracy

“Authoritarian Politics,” presentation at panel on “Dismantling Democracy,” with Kevin B. Anderson, a Marxist-Humanist, and Jessica Pisano, part of NEH-supported colloquium series chaired by Julia Rothenberg and Laura Cohen, and sponsored by the Harriet and Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York (May 6-on zoom).

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Lalan Kishor Singh

May 18, 2020 Length: 1073 words 0 comments

Class War Against the Indian Working Class

Summary: The following leaflet was written for May Day 2020 by a production worker in Nagpur India in response to the effort of the Indian government to make workers pay for the Covid-19 pandemic.

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Peter Hudis

May 5, 2020 Length: 9 words 0 comments

[Video] Short Introduction to “Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism” by Peter Hudis

A short video explaining the author’s book, Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

May 4, 2020 Length: 996 words 2 comments

Notes on Lenin at 150: Theoretical Preparation for Revolution in the Time of COVID-19

Summary: Lenin’s theoretical preparation for revolution during the war years 1914-17 is a lesson for us today during the isolation of COVID-19 — Editors

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