
Home / Statements

Statements express positions of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on specific issues and have been approved by a vote of either the membership as a whole or the steering committee.

Kevin B. Anderson

October 15, 2023 Length: 1216 words 6 comments

The Middle East and the World After October 7, and Israel’s War on Palestine

Summary: A global turning point has been reached, showing systemic fragility, but with genocidal repression looming over Gaza — Editors

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Damian Algabre,
Heather A. Brown,
Rehmah Sufi

January 28, 2023 Length: 3200 words 0 comments

A Marxist-Humanist Statement in Support and Defense of Transgender Rights

Summary: As gender liberation is an indispensable part of the greater struggle for liberation, the lives of trans and other gender expansive folks must be taken seriously and defended unequivocally – Editors

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Commons (The Feminist Initiative Group)

August 4, 2022 Length: 6291 words 0 comments

“The right to resist.” A feminist manifesto

Summary: This Ukrainian feminist manifesto in support of the Ukrainian people has been signed by the Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization – Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

December 10, 2021 Length: 292 words 0 comments

Support BCTWGM International Union Workers, Boycott Kellogg’s!

It’s time all of us stand with the union workers at Kellogg’s and boycott all Kellogg’s products till this battle is won! Issued as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on December 12 — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

November 21, 2021 Length: 776 words 2 comments

Kenosha Trial Gives Fascists Open Season on Black Lives Matter and the Left

Summary: The November 19 Kenosha verdict is a racist, reactionary outrage and a big step forward for those scheming for a fascist society. Issued as a Statement of the Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, and, on December 1, voted a Statement of the IMHO. See also our previous Statement on the fascist threat in the U.S., after the January 6 attack in Washington, DC: This Was No Joke—Trump’s Attempted Coup Against Democracy on January 6 — Editors

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David Black

May 19, 2021 Length: 979 words 0 comments

Israel’s Murderous War on the Palestinians Exposes US ‘Normalization’ of the Middle East

Summary: Israel’s brutal war against Palestinians, including the pogroms in Israeli cities, in the context of US imperial machinations – Editors

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Peter Hudis

January 7, 2021 Length: 1659 words 1 comments

This Was No Joke—Trump’s Attempted Coup Against Democracy on January 6

Summary: The foiled attack on the Capitol by neo-fascist white nationalists on January 6 marks a potential turning point in combatting the reactionary currents of which Trump is but the mouthpiece and expression – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

August 28, 2020 Length: 277 words 0 comments

Support Postal Workers reinstalling letter-sorting machines!

Postal workers in Dallas, Texas, Tacoma and Wenatchee, Washington have reinstalled letter-sorting machines that have been dismantled over the past few months. As an organization we encourage civil society in the US, and national and international unions, to actively support the Postal Workers and their attempts to secure a democratic result in the upcoming Presidential Election.

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Kevork Sassouni

December 7, 2019 Length: 858 words 1 comments

“Letter Against US Imperialism” Damages Left by Supporting Iranian Regime Against a Popular Uprising

Summary: Travesty of Letter signed by Angela Davis and other prominent leftists supporting Iranian regime in name of “anti-imperialism” [Addendum: The letter appeared online around Dec. 1 but was taken down by Dec. 9] — Editors.

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 9, 2019 Length: 585 words 1 comments

Support Rojava Against the Erdogan-Trump Unholy Alliance to Crush the Kurds!

Summary: Solidarity with Rojava vs. the Trump-Erdogan dirty deal against the Kurds — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 4, 2019 Length: 735 words 2 comments

No War on Iran for the Saudis!

Summary: Statement by the International Marxist Humanist Organization against war and imperialist sanctions. While the attack, attributed to Iran, on the Saudi oil processing plant shows the vulnerability of US allies in the region, the new financial sanctions the US is using against Iran — and also Venezuela — constitute an unprecedented type of imperialist intervention, in addition to threats of outright war — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

June 24, 2019 Length: 554 words 1 comments

Stop US Imperialist Moves against Iran! For the Liberation of All the Peoples of the Region!

Summary: Today, the US has the most reckless and aggressive regime in its historyA war with Iran, even a “limited” series of airstrikes, could spin out of control, devastating the region and the global economy, with terrible consequences for the people of the world — Editors 

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 29, 2019 Length: 585 words 0 comments

May Day: For a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: May Day/International Workers’ Day as retrospective and perspective for today — Editors

(Portuguese translation)

(Swedish translation)

(Persian translation)

(Spanish translation)

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Steering Committee of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

April 6, 2019 Length: 692 words 6 comments

Hands Off Venezuela! For Socialist Democracy!

Summary: Opposing US imperialist intervention in Venezuela and the responsibilities of the left — Editors

Farsi translation in right hand column.

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