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[Video] Los escritos tardíos de Marx

Summary: “Marx’s Late Writings” (bilingual lecture), sponsored by Viento Sur journal with introduction and comments by Jaime Pastor, Traficantes de Sueno bookstore (Madrid), May 2, 2024 (40 minutes) -…

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Josefina L. Martínez

“No he visto nada como esto desde el movimiento contra la guerra de Vietnam”

Summary: Interview with Kevin B. Anderson regarding the current movement for Palestine – Editors

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Jaime Pastor

Descubrir la multidimensionalidad de Marx

Summary: Review of the new Spanish edition of Kevin B. Anderson’s “Marx en los Márgens”. — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Josefina L. Martínez

Marx era un pensador multilineal, no determinista ni eurocéntrico

Summary: Interview with Kevin B. Anderson on the intersectional dimensions of Marx’s writings, as explored further in “Marx en los Márgens” – Editors

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Peter Hudis

Rosa Luxemburg puso en evidencia el genocidio colonial

Summary: First appeared here English version available here…

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The gravestone of Karl Marx in North London, England. The gravestone is surrounded by green trees. The gravestone is made of marble and has a bust of Marx carved atop it. Inscribed in gold below the bust are the words "WORKERS OF ALL LANDS UNITE."

Kevin B. Anderson

Marx no era un pensador eurocéntrico

This is a Spanish translation of “No, Karl Marx Was Not Eurocentric”. This translation and the English original were first published in Jacobin. — Editors English here. Portuguese here. Los críticos d…

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Peter Hudis

El marxismo humanista de Raya Dunayevskaya

La pensadora rusa Raya Dunayevskaya fue una figura muy importante e influyente para la izquierda radical. Siempre reconoció la necesidad de combinar las luchas contra el racismo y contra el capitalism…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Karl Marx luchó por la libertad

Los conservadores calumnian a Karl Marx. Marx no solo fue un activista toda su vida contra la esclavitud, sino que apoyó los esfuerzos de todos los que se organizaron para luchar contra ella. First ap…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Resistencia vs. emancipación: Foucault, Marcuse, Marx y la actualidad

The concept of specific forms of resistance, rooted in Foucault, has come to the fore in radical thought, replacing earlier concepts of emancipation rooted in abstract universals (Marcuse), but at a t…

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