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Articles in Spanish

Kevin B. Anderson

Los votantes estadounidenses repudian la extrema derecha, pero aún se enfrentan al capitalismo de austeridad bajo Obama

The English original, “U.S. Voters Repudiate Far Right, But Still Face Austerity Capitalism under Obama — by Kevin Anderson” was published on this site and can be accessed at http://www.internationalm…

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Raya Dunayevskaya

The Spanish Translation of Raya Dunayevskaya’s The Power of Negativity

(Spanish Version) We announce the Spanish translation of Raya Dunayevskaya, The Power of Negativity, edited by Peter Hudis and Kevin B. Anderson. Apparently misinformed by the US-based copyrightholder…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Marx en torno al nacionalismo, la etnicidad y las sociedades no occidentales

“Marx en torno al nacionalismo, la etnicidad y las sociedades no occidentales” (Spanish) [Marx on nationalism, ethnicity, and non-Western societies], July 25, 2012

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Kevin B. Anderson

Marx en torno al nacionalismo, la etnicidad y las sociedades no occidentales

“Marx en torno al nacionalismo, la etnicidad y las sociedades no occidentales” (Spanish) [Marx on nationalism, ethnicity, and non-Western societies], July 25, 2012 Conclusion of Marx at the Margins tr…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Sobre la dialéctica de la raza y de la clase. Los escritos de Marx sobre la guerra civil, 150 años después

Summary: This article was translated into Spanish by José Mª Fernández Criado and published in Marismo Critico. The original, entitled ““On the Dialectics of Race and Class: Marx’s Civil War Writings,…

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Ayob Rahmani

“Interview with Kevin B. Anderson”

Originally appeared in Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations, Vol. 1: Issue II: Special Issue Part 2: Examining the Contemporary Relevance of Ma…

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Kevin B. Anderson

On the Dialectics of Race and Class: Marx’s Civil War Writings, 150 Years Later

Marx’s dialectic of race and class is related to that of Frantz Fanon and to the Civil War in the U.S., which unleashed many revolutionary possibilities – Editors.

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