We announce the Spanish translation of Raya Dunayevskaya, The Power of Negativity, edited by Peter Hudis and Kevin B. Anderson. Apparently misinformed by the US-based copyrightholders of Dunayevskaya’s writings, Editorial Biblos in Argentina has regrettably left out the fact that these writings by Dunayevskaya were selected, edited, and annotated by Hudis and Anderson.
This represents a serious distortion of the historical record, not only because it fails to identify those who edited the book but also because it gives the false impression that it was compiled by Dunayevskaya herself, which is not the case; the first English edition was published 15 years after her death.
However, we are gratified that the Argentinian edition includes Hudis and Anderson’s 30-page introduction, unlike the 2009 Juan Pablos Mexican edition arranged by those same U.S.-based copyrightholders, which eliminated all reference to the book’s actual editors, who had worked for more than a decade on this volume – Editors