David Black

David Black is the author of Helen Macfarlane: A Feminist, Revolutionary Journalist and Philosopher in Mid-Nineteenth Century England, of The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism: Essays on History, Culture and Dialectical Thought, and the coauthor of 1839: The Chartist Insurrection.

Articles From This Author

David Black

Syriza’s Stormy Greek Spring: Buying Time by ’Saving Capitalism From Itself’

With a last-ditch, compromise deal worked out with the European Union, the Syriza coalition government of Greece led by Alexis Tsipras has bought some time for its anti-austerity program, but still fa…

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Richard Abernethy,
Kevin B. Anderson,
Dan Beltaigne,
David Black,
Antony H.,
Rehmah Sufi

Ferguson Protests Place American Civilization on Trial: A Symposium

Protests in the USA over the police murders of Black youth have exposed the great divides in American society. Has a critical mass been formed that raises the possibility of real movement against the…

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David Black,
Philip Walden

Debate over The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism

Philip Walden’s review of David Black’s Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism: Essays on History, Culture, and Dialectical Thought in Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, and Black’s response – Edi…

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David Black

Tracing the Contours of Anti-Capitalism

A review of The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism: Essays on History, Culture, and Dialectical Thought by David Black, (Lexington Books, 2013). Originally appeared in the blog Criticism &c.  …

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David Black

Hegel in 10 Minutes

David Black’s riff on Hegel took place at a fringe meeting of the Association of Musical Marxists during the Marxism 2013 conference in London in July. It was first published on the AMM website on Aug…

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Kevin B. Anderson,
David Black,
Dale Parsons

May Day 2013 in North America and Europe: Reports and Reflections

We present reports from Marxist-Humanist participants on the 2013 May Day celebrations.

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David Black

Darbare-yeh Rishehha-ye Falsafi-yeh Zedd-e Sarmayehdar

This article was translated into Persian by and published on the website Critique of Political Economy. The original, entitled “Contra Sohn-Rethel: On the Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism,” appe…

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David Black

Darbare-yeh Rishehha-ye Falsafi-yeh Zedd-e Sarmayehdar

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by and published on the website Critique of Political Economy. The original, entitled “Contra Sohn-Rethel: On the Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitali…

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David Black

Contra Sohn-Rethel: On the Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism

Was the birth of philosophy in Ancient Greece a reflex and projection of the generic forms of capitalist exploitation, such as exchange-value, money and the commodity-form? Did commodity fetishism and…

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