David Black

David Black is the author of Helen Macfarlane: A Feminist, Revolutionary Journalist and Philosopher in Mid-Nineteenth Century England, of The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism: Essays on History, Culture and Dialectical Thought, and the coauthor of 1839: The Chartist Insurrection.

Articles From This Author

David Black

On CLR James and Hegel’s Dialectic

Summary: Based on a talk to the ‘No Peace in the Park: Psychedelic Bolshevik Day School’, 17 June 2017, Norfolk Heritage Park, Sheffield – slightly expanded in light of discussion — Editors

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David Black

An ‘Impulse Towards Freedom’: On Paul Mason’s call for a Marxist-Humanist Challenge to Capitalist Automation

Summary: Paul Mason’s essay in the New Statesman for the Marx bicentenary is a ringing endorsement of Raya Dunayevskaya’s interpretation of Marx’s humanism, which raises timely questions for radicals…

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David Black

A Revolutionary Betrayed: Review of the Play, ‘Eleanor Marx: the Jewess of Jews Walk’

Summary: A review of the new play,  “Eleanor Marx: the Jewess of Jews Walk,” which has just opened in London — Editors

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David Black

The British Crisis and the Corbyn Surge: A Perfect Political Storm in the Making

Summary –British Prime Minister Theresa May, having lost her Parliamentary majority in the June 2017 election, is now grappling with the prospect of national humiliation and economic disaster in the B…

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David Black

[Discussion Article] On the Perils of Populism: Brexit, the Left and the EU

Summary: This article is based on a presentation for the 2016 convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization on Philosophic Perspectives on Anti-Capitalism  – Editors

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David Black

Chartists, Corbynistas and the Strange Death of New Labour England

The remarkable and decisive victory of the socialist Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party leadership election appears to revive the Left-Right divisions of the 1980s. But there are other historical prece…

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David Black,
Ben Watson

Helen Macfarlane: Independent Object

Michaeler Square, Vienna, during the 1848 Revolution Dave Black and Ben Watson celebrate the publication of the collected writings of Helen Macfarlane and her translation of the Communist Manifesto, s…

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David Black

Syriza’s Stormy Greek Spring: Buying Time by ‘Saving Capitalism from Itself’

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by students. The original, entitled “Syriza’s Stormy Greek Spring: Buying Time by ‘Saving Capitalism from Itself’,” was published in the International…

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David Black

Syriza’s Stormy Greek Spring: Buying Time by ‘Saving Capitalism from Itself’

Summary: This article was translated into Persian by students. The original, entitled “Syriza’s Stormy Greek Spring: Buying Time by ‘Saving Capitalism from Itself’,” was published in the International…

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