Chris Aquino

Chris Aquino is a multiracial activist from Southern California, active in radical democratic socialist politics.

Articles From This Author

Chris Aquino

Murder in California by Riverside County Sheriffs Sparks Protests

Summary: Protests outside Los Angeles after deputies working under rightwing Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco murder an Indigenous/Brown man who was having a mental health episode — Editors

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Chris Aquino

Ballot Measures in the US: A Few Victories Amid Capitalist Counterattacks

Summary: A success in Florida but surprising defeats in “progressive” California – Editors.

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Chris Aquino

Demonstrating to Abolish School Police in Los Angeles

Summary: Los Angeles youth demonstration to abolish school police faces counterdemonstrators — Editors

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Chris Aquino

Secretive Layoffs Undermine U.S. Census

Summary: Secretive layoffs of census enumerators undermines census count of people of color, immigrants, and to poor, to the advantage of Republicans and to the detriment of the census workers — Edit…

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Chris Aquino

Progressive Electoral Surge in New York and Its Limits

Summary: Reflections on defeat of establishment pro-Israel warhawk Eliot Engel by an avowed socialist and on the limits of electoral organizing for the left — Editors

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Chris Aquino

The Murder of George Floyd by Capitalist Racists

Summary: Police suffocation of George Floyd sets US ablaze, revealing underlying racial and class oppression — Editors

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Chris Aquino

Southern California Under Lockdown

Summary: An activist’s personal reflections on the lockdown in Southern California – Editors.

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Chris Aquino

They Shook the Walls of Their “Betters”: A Report on the Sanders Campaign

Summary: On the class divide between rank-and-file workers and trade union bureaucrats, that motivated the Sanders campaign in Iowa and Nevada — Editors

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Chris Aquino

Iraq Protests Challenge Corrupt Oligarchy and Islamic Republic of Iran

Summary: Iraq protests transcend sectarian lines established by US and Iran, as a new generation of youth and workers takes the stage – Editors.

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Events from this author

[Los Angeles] After the Elections, A Revolutionary, Marxist-Humanist Conversation

November 8, 2020
6:00-8:00 PM, LA Time


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[Los Angeles] The Black Lives Matter Mass Uprising and the Sanders Campaign: Racial and Class Politics in a Global and Dialectical Perspective

June 14, 2020
6:00-8:00 PM Pacific Time


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