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Los Angeles After the Elections, A Revolutionary, Marxist-Humanist Conversation

Zoom meeting

Sunday, Nov 8, 2020  6-8:00 PM, LA time

Chris Aquino, a multiracial activist active in several progressive campaigns, will launch an open conversation about the elections and where we go from here as Marxists, as humanists, and as revolutionaries.

[This is a special meeting. We will get back to our biweekly public reading group on Dunayevskaya’s “Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution” in December]

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Meeting ID: 893 8894 9727
Passcode: 913436

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Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization More information: <[email protected]>

Consider a donation to the IMHO to support our work

Meeting ID: 893 8894 9727
Passcode: 913436
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Meeting ID: 893 8894 9727
Passcode: 913436
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