Los Angeles The Black Lives Matter Mass Uprising and the Sanders Campaign: Racial and Class Politics in a Global and Dialectical Perspective
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The Black Lives Matter Mass Uprising and the Sanders Campaign: Racial and Class Politics in a Global and Dialectical Perspective
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Sunday, June 14, 6-8:00 PM, Pacific Daylight Time
Chris Aquino
Rocio Lopez
Kevin B. Anderson
Seamus Connolly
The truly massive nationwide Black Lives Matter protests have created a new situation in the USA in the wake of the brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. While Black youth have been in the vanguard, this is also one of the most variegated, multiracial movements in US history. It has exposed the deep racism of law enforcement and pointed the way toward its uprooting, and of the capitalist class structure as a whole that it defends and represents. The early Black Lives Matter protests preceded the Sanders campaign, which saw unprecedented numbers of youth and working people express socialist politics openly. The campaign struck a deep chord in one of the largest sectors of the working class, the Latino (Latinx) and specifically the Chicano community, but with serious gaps with regard to the Black community and feminists. What lessons can be drawn from both of these movements? Where do we go from here? How can a global and dialectical humanist perspective help us to organize our thought and our action?
Chris Aquino is a multiracial socialist who was an organizer in the Sanders campaign, and is a writer for the International Marxist Humanist Organization Journal.
Rocio Lopez is a socialist Feminist and has lived in Latin America and Japan. She writes for the International Marxist Humanist Organization Journal and is also part of the Transnational Solidarity Network. She voted for Elizabeth Warren in 2020 and Bernie Sanders in 2016
Kevin B. Anderson is a UC-Santa Barbara professor who has written widely on Marxism, critical theory, and race and gender.
Seamus Connolly is a writer on humanism and Marxism.
Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization More information: <[email protected]> https://imhojournal.org https://www.facebook.com/groups/imhorg/ https://www.facebook.com/LAMarxists/
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