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David Black

June 23, 2023 Length: 5417 words 1 comments

How Green was Karl Marx? – On Kohei Saito and the Anthropocene

Summary: A review of Saito’s Marx in the Anthropocene — Editors

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Damian Algabre

June 22, 2023 Length: 1402 words 0 comments

Writers Guild of America Strike: not just about pay, but human creativity

Summary: A report on the US 2023 Writers’ Strike, the demands of the Writers’ Guild of America, and the obstacles they face.

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Ricado Jacobs

June 15, 2023 Length: 2303 words 0 comments

“Abolish the Present State of Things”: The Programmatic Basis of Alternatives to Capitalism

Summary: Based upon remarks to a March 2023 conference on the new edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program — Editors

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Derek Lewis

June 7, 2023 Length: 1059 words 0 comments

Uganda Passes Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

Summary: Uganda’s murderous new anti-LGBTQ+ law is not only about Africa, given its connections to the agenda of the U.S. religious right – Editors

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Iranian Writers' Union

June 2, 2023 Length: 311 words 0 comments

Statement of the Iranian Writers’ Union Condemning Government Murders

Summary: Protests a series of brutal executions of those fighting for liberation, trans. by Hamid Vahed — Editors

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Derek Lewis

June 1, 2023 Length: 1663 words 0 comments

Dominion, Democracy, and an Ongoing North Carolina Constitutional Case

Summary: Despite the significance of Fox News’ payout to Dominion, serious threats to U.S. democracy, spearheaded by Republicans, continue to gain momentum – Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

May 25, 2023 Length: 969 words 0 comments

On the New Edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program: Voice of a Worker from India

Summary: Remarks by a worker activist from Nagpur, India at the March 18, 2023 conference on the new edition Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program, sponsored by the International Marxist-Humanist Organization. Translated from the Hindi – Editors

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Chris Gilligan

May 9, 2023 Length: 2088 words 0 comments

Review of ‘Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism: A Critical Study’

Summary: This review of the 2nd edition of Kevin Anderson’s ‘Lenin, Hegel and Western Marxism: A Critical Study’ was originally published in Marx & Philosophy Review of Books on May 3, 2023, here. — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

May 6, 2023 Length: 772 words 0 comments

May Day: International Workers’ Day 2023

Summary: A brief scan of some of the events of May Day 2023, around the world — Editors

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Damian Algabre

May 5, 2023 Length: 5352 words 0 comments

Automation: From Marx to Dunayevskaya and from Marcuse to Mason

Summary: Marx’s changes from the Grundrisse to Capital on the “automaton” and on machinery are connected to more recent Marxist debates over automation – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

May 3, 2023 Length: 713 words 0 comments

Long to Reign Over Us? Some Aspects of Monarchy and Capitalism in Britain

Summary: Will this be the last coronation? A look at the British monarchy, its strengths, stresses, and challenges — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

April 29, 2023 Length: 568 words 0 comments

Talk from the Heart, Save the Loved Ones—On May Day 2023

Summary: This is a flyer produced by a rank-and-file worker in India in response to the commemoration of May Day.

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S. D. Roy

April 25, 2023 Length: 3288 words 1 comments

‘Modi has the Blood of India on his Hand, We Need Poorna Swaraj [Total Freedom]!’: All Power to the People

Summary: Based on a report from India to the July IMHO Convention, Chicago, July 2022 — Editors

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Derek Lewis

April 18, 2023 Length: 2613 words 0 comments

Florida, A Model for U.S. Fascism

Summary: Discussion of the tendency toward fascism seen in Florida under Governor Ron DeSantis (R), a Republican controlled legislature, and a conservative Supreme Court — Editors

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Jens Johansson

April 17, 2023 Length: 410 words 0 comments

Wildcat Rail Strike in Stockholm

Summary: Wildcat strike vs. job cuts imposed by both right and center left — Editors

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