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Richard Greeman

February 5, 2012 Length: 777 words 0 comments

Russia: The Return of the Revolution

Russia’s anti-regime demonstrations are the biggest popular mobilization since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and carry with them the real possibility of another revolution – Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

January 18, 2012 Length: 1537 words 1 comments

Why John Brown? Why Now?

150 years after the U.S. Civil War, how does John Brown’s stand at Harpers Ferry  look after the rise of identity politics, multiculturalism and cultural relativism in an  increasingly globalized world? — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

January 15, 2012 Length: 747 words 1 comments

David Cameron’s Attack on Health and Safety

Britain’s prime minister, David Cameron, has resolved to “kill off the health and safety culture for good,” an attitude that poses a threat to all workers and reveals the inhumanity of capitalism. – Editors

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Peter Hudis,
Sasha Lilley

January 9, 2012 Length: 48 words 1 comments

[Audio] Rosa Luxemburg’s Legacy

Peter Hudis is interviewed by Sasha Lilley on “Against the Grain,” KPFA-FM (Pacifica Radio), San Francisco on the ideas and legacy of revolutionary thinker and leader Rosa Luxemburg. Based upon the Letters of Rosa Luxemburg (2011), edited by Hudis, Laschitza, and Adler. 1 hour  — Editors

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Paulo Morel

December 19, 2011 Length: 734 words 2 comments

Discussion Article: Is Newt Gingrich an “Invented” Imbecile?

The inane politics of Newt Gingrich and his ilk is a symptom of the degeneration of U.S. capitalism, which has created a danger to humanity — Editors

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November 7, 2011 Length: 3197 words 0 comments

‘Occupy Wall Street’ Goes Global

The ‘Occupy’ demonstrations that began on Wall Street, then Oakland and elsewhere in the US, are now part of a Global movement, the immediate causes of which go back to the Arab revolutions of early 2011.  We have assembled reports, largely from Marxist-Humanist participants, in cities in the US and the UK – Editors

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Greg Burris

October 28, 2011 Length: 3542 words 0 comments

Between Barbarisms: The Arab Spring, Marx, and the Idea of Revolution

An assessment of the Arab Spring half a year later, in light of (1) the “clash of barbarisms” between the U.S. and Al Qaeda, (2) Marx’s concept of revolution, and (3) the possibilities for a revolutionary future – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

October 23, 2011 Length: 2522 words 0 comments

Red Rosa and the Arab Spring

The revolutionary movements of the year 2011, above all in the Arab countries, and the life and thought of Rosa Luxemburg, are connected. Presented at the Anarchist Book Fair, London – Editors

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Salome Lee

October 22, 2011 Length: 3144 words 2 comments

Until We Are All Abolitionists: Marx on Slavery, Race, and Class

Marx’s writings on slavery, race, and class in relation to capital are examined in light of critics who paint him as a class reductionist with little awareness of or sensitivity to race – Editors

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Sam Friedman

October 9, 2011 Length: 370 words 0 comments

Occupy Wall Street: The October 5 Demonstration

The October 5 demonstration in New York, when labor unions and community organizations came out to support Occupy Wall Street, produced one of the largest turnouts to date of the Occupy Wall Street movement  – Editors

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Sam Friedman

October 7, 2011 Length: 180 words 0 comments

Two Poems on Occupy Wall Street

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

September 30, 2011 Length: 258 words 0 comments

Greetings to the Iranian Left Alliance Abroad

This statement on behalf of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization was presented by Ali Reza on September 30, at the beginning of the Third Conference of the Iranian Left Alliance Abroad, Montreal, Canada – Editors

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Chris Cutrone,
Peter Hudis,
Jacqueline Rose

September 10, 2011 Length: 3864 words 3 comments

Did Rosa Luxemburg Take Back Her Critique of the Russian Revolution?

The following comments on whether Luxemburg took back her 1918 critique of the Russian Revolution are in response to The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg (Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg Vol. I). The original debate on Principia Dialectica, was entitled ‘More on Bolshevik censorship’ – Editors

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