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Dilan Ergün Tekingündüz

December 6, 2023 Length: 1249 words 0 comments

Why Raya Dunayevskaya? Why Today?

Summary: Explores how absolute negativity “is both unconditional and infinite” in Hegel, Marx, and Dunayevskaya on the fiftieth anniversary of her Philosophy and Revolution — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

December 5, 2023 Length: 440 words 0 comments

Help Continue the Work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Summary: We need your help to continue the work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.

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Omid Razaian

December 4, 2023 Length: 571 words 0 comments

Chicago Rally Against Genocide in Gaza

Summary: Large rally in Chicago against Israel’s genocidal war against Gaza also highlights repression inside the US — Editors

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Peter Hudis

December 3, 2023 Length: 3928 words 0 comments

Review of Eric Blanc’s Revolutionary Social Democracy

Summary: Review of Blanc’s Revolutionary Social Democracy and its key insights for socialists today; first appeared in Spectre Journal, July 24, 2023 here: https://spectrejournal.com/review-of-eric-blancs-revolutionary-social-democracy/

Korean translation is available here: https://imhojournal.org/articles/review-of-eric-blancs-revolutionary-social-democracy-2/

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Sam Friedman

December 3, 2023 Length: 254 words 2 comments

The Two Souls of Jewishness

Summary: If there are two worlds in every country, surely there are in each religion, culture, and ethnicity. – the Editors

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Hassan Mortazavi

November 27, 2023 Length: 222 words 0 comments

Look at the Palestinian Prisoners

Summary: Impassioned plea from inside Iran, from the translator of Marx’s Capital and other works — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

November 26, 2023 Length: 1053 words 0 comments

Review of Ukraine Resists!

Summary: A review of Ukraine Resists! Left Voices on Putin’s War, NATO and the future of Ukraine. Published by Resistance Books (Australia), www.resistancebooks.com — Editors

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Rocio Lopez

November 21, 2023 Length: 1051 words 3 comments

Further Response to the IMHO Statement on Hamas and the Israeli War on the Palestinians

Summary: Reflects on the patriarchal motivations of Hamas and the imperialist delusions of Israel and the U.S. — Editors

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Alireza Kia

November 19, 2023 Length: 209 words 0 comments

Chicago Demonstration Blocks Highway in Support of Gaza

Summary: Direct action to support Palestine on the streets of Chicago — Editors

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Kieran Durkin

November 14, 2023 Length: 1233 words 0 comments

Defending Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism

Summary: Presented at a panel in London at an IMHO meeting celebrating the paperback edition on the eve of the Historical Materialism Conference –Editors

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Tommy Chen

November 7, 2023 Length: 1588 words 0 comments

Israel-Palestine Conflict on the Campus

Summary: Protesting and debating Israel’s Gaza war at a large U.S. university – Editors

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Sam Friedman

November 5, 2023 Length: 137 words 0 comments

“Shame’s Echo” Poem by Sam Friedman

Summary: A poem relevant to the genocide in Gaza; Previously published in Sam Friedman. Grief and Rage: An American Jew’s Poems on Palestine. Central Jersey Coalition against Endless War. 2015. –Editors

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Sam Friedman

November 5, 2023 Length: 1111 words 0 comments

What a Nurses’ Strike Says About the Meaning of Work Under Capitalism

Summary: The strike has led many of the nurses to discuss the ways that under staffing, paperwork, and the bottom-line efficiency fixation that are inherent in capitalist organizations eat into the quality of care they can give; first appeared in Common Dreams, October 22, 2023 here: https://www.commondreams.org/opinion/nurses-strike-work-capitalism –Editors

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Derek Lewis

October 30, 2023 Length: 2345 words 0 comments

Neo-Fascist Mike Johnson Takes the Speaker’s Gavel

Summary: The rise of the United States’ most inexperienced and reactionary Speaker of the House of Representatives — Editors

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Diane Gündüz

October 29, 2023 Length: 692 words 1 comments

Palestine and Israel: Freedom, but for whom?

Summary: Reflections from Turkey on the war against Gaza — Editors

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