Summary: We need your help to continue the work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.
More than one hundred articles in eight different languages, thirty public meetings (both online and physically present on three different continents), a presence at numerous demonstrations, conferences, strikes, university campuses, and gaining new members from Asia, Latin America, and the US — are part of what the International Marxist-Humanist Organization (IMHO) has accomplished in 2023. For 2024, we want to continue and develop our organizational activities and therefore ask you to help us grow our organizational capacity for the coming year.
In the IMHO, we strive to develop and influence the freedom movement of today around the notion of a humanist alternative to the present racist, sexist, ableist, homophobic, class-divided, and environmentally catastrophic capitalist society. We do so with a theoretical grounding in the Marxist-Humanist tradition, as founded by Raya Dunayevskaya.
The year 2023 will be remembered for the intensified violence of Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine. In light of this, more and more people have been coming into the streets to protest Israel’s war. In London, for example, there have been recurrent mass gatherings on Saturdays since October 7, with several hundred thousand people showing up each time. Members of the IMHO have participated in many of these protests and distributed an IMHO statement on the war, arguing for a free Palestine.
In 2023, we had a strong presence at a radical humanist conference in the US and at the Historical Materialism conference in London. We also organized an international miniconference on our new edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Program, which has also been translated into Chinese. And our members participated in the students’ strikes at the University of California in the US and at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil. Brazil was also where ten public meetings related to the ideas of the IMHO were held, resulting in several hundred signing up for our monthly newsletter. Hence, our ideas have been widely discussed from Europe to Asia and the US to Latin America.
For 2024, we plan to continue organizing public meetings and develop theories on the climate emergency, the intersections between race, gender, and class, and how these relate to a humanist alternative. To do this and to continue our work, we need your help. We therefore invite you to participate and contribute to our activities by attending our events and/or giving us a donation. If you want to donate, the easiest way to do so is by sending money via PayPal by clicking on this link. The IMHO is a not-for-profit organization, and your donations are tax-deductible in the US.
For a revolutionary future! Happy New Year from the comrades in the International Marxist-Humanist Organization!