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Seamus Connolly

October 21, 2018 Length: 2444 words 0 comments

Marxism and Freedom: Dunayevskaya’s Contributions to Marxism and Liberation

Summary: Examines the book’s underlying humanism and critique of totalitarianism, sixty years later — Editors

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Rocio Lopez

October 13, 2018 Length: 408 words 1 comments

Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People Against the Ortega Regime

Summary: Calls on US and international left to support the uprising against the increasingly reactionary, repressive, and misogynist Ortega regime. First appeared on September 16, 2018 on the website of the Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice. First published by IMHO on September 23, 2018. With an addition to the last paragraph, it was approved by a membership vote on October 13, 2018 as a Statement of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization — Editors

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Mark Carroll

October 12, 2018 Length: 795 words 0 comments

Movements for Justice continue in Chicago as Officer Van Dyke Found Guilty

Reflections on racial inequalities and the meaning of the conviction of police officer Jason Van Dyke.

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Sam Friedman

October 6, 2018 Length: 86 words 1 comments

The Crisis—October 6, 2018

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 6, 2018 Length: 6945 words 1 comments

Marx at 200: Beyond Capital and Class Alone

Summary: As we view Marx on his 200th anniversary, it is important to see both his brilliant generalizations about capitalist society and the very concrete ways in which he examined not only class, but also gender, race, and colonialism, and what today would be called the intersectionality of all of these.  First appeared in Economic & Political Weekly (Kolkata, India), Oct. 6, 2018  — Editors

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Peter McLaren

September 29, 2018 Length: 3452 words 0 comments

Traveling with Joel

Summary: On the life and work of one of the founding figures of eco-socialism, Joel Kovel, who was a socialist humanist, a psychoanalytic Marxist, and so much more. First published in Capitalism Nature Socialism vol. 29, No. 3, 2018 — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

September 24, 2018 Length: 11140 words 0 comments

Marx, Socialism, and Ecology

Summary: Discussion of the larger theoretical implications of Kohei Saito’s Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, Nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy, Monthly Review Press, 2017. First appeared in Logos 17:2 (Fall 2018) –Editors

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Jens Johansson

September 23, 2018 Length: 963 words 0 comments

New Forces of Both Left and Right Advance in Swedish Elections

Summary: Two weeks have passed since the general election in Sweden and still no government has been formed. Both of the two traditional blocks received around 40 % of the vote, and thus cannot form a majority on their own. While the xenophobic Sweden Democrats garnered unprecedented support and now constitute the largest third party, they have inspired a backlash. The left-wing party had its best showing in decades. — Editors

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Rocio Lopez

September 23, 2018 Length: 374 words 0 comments

Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People Against the Ortega Regime (old)

Summary: Calls on US and international left to support the uprising against the increasingly reactionary, repressive, and misogynist Ortega regime. First appeared on September 16, 2018 on the website of the Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice — Editors

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Ali Kiani

September 20, 2018 Length: 4035 words 1 comments

Wars in the Middle East Since Trump

Summary: Covers events in Yemen, Iran, Palestine-Israel, and US response. Based upon an August presentation at the LA Peace Center — Editors

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Heather A. Brown

September 1, 2018 Length: 4577 words 1 comments

Ecology, Feminism and the Renewal of Marxism

Summary: As awareness grows relative to the pernicious nature of capital in regards to both ecological destruction and gender oppression, there is a need to work out a truly inclusive, non-hierarchical and ecologically sustainable alternative to capitalism. Presented at the Chicago Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization in July–Editors

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Kevork Sassouni

August 21, 2018 Length: 815 words 0 comments

Noise Demo in Solidarity with Prison Strike at LA’s Twin Tower Correctional Facility

Summary: Leftist groups gather in front of Twin Tower Correctional Facility in Downtown Los Angeles for noise demonstration in solidarity with prisoners going on strike nationwide — Editors

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Abahlali baseMjondolo

August 20, 2018 Length: 772 words 0 comments

South Africa—S’bu Zikode is Underground

Summary: This urgent statement from Abahlali baseMjondolo, a revolutionary shack-dweller’s movement in South Africa that has done vital work in promoting public housing and opposing evictions, is in response to the dire threats being issued against one of its spokespersons, S’bu Zikode.

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David Black

August 15, 2018 Length: 3689 words 0 comments

Sixty Years of Raya Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom: Then and Now

Summary: On the book’s reception at the time of its publication by intellectuals like Alasdair MacIntyre and Paul Mattick, as well as labor activists like Harry McShane and Sheila Leslie; its impact on the British left up through Paul Mason today; and the evolution of the author’s perspectives on Lenin on dialectics. Presented at the July Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization — Editors

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