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Kevin B. Anderson

January 15, 2019 Length: 754 words 0 comments

We Need to Celebrate the Life and Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg After 100 Years, January 1919-January 2019

Summary: Brief account of Luxemburg’s life and work in conjunction with workshop series in Los Angeles. First appeared in LA Progressive, Jan. 7, 2019.  Image is of latest volume of her collected works in English –Editors

(Persian Translation)

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Kevin B. Anderson

December 30, 2018 Length: 4653 words 1 comments

The French Yellow Vests: A Self-Mobilized Mass Movement with Insurrectionist Overtones

Summary: The French events have brought the scent of revolution into the air, to a level not seen in an industrially developed country since the near revolution of 1968. The class, racial, gender, and organizational contradictions of the movement are also discussed. First appeared in New Politics — Editors

Italian translation

Spanish translation

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

December 25, 2018 Length: 323 words 1 comments

Help Continue the Work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Summary: We need your help to continue the work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.

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Khalfani Malik Khaldun

December 24, 2018 Length: 1854 words 0 comments

Repeal the 13th Amendment! The Voice of an Indiana Political Prisoner

Summary: The separation of the laborer from the objective conditions of production has long been viewed as the cornerstone of capitalism. Nowhere is this disconnection more vividly illustrated than in today’s prison system, which is discussed in these two related essays by a longtime New Afrikan political prisoner — Editors

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Arvind Ghosh

December 24, 2018 Length: 1771 words 0 comments

The Blasts at the Pulgaon Ammunition Depot in India

Summary: A fact-finding team from Nagpur comprising of Prakash Raut, Prakash Sahare, Ranjit Singh and Arvind Ghosh (all social activists) visited Pulgaon in Wardha District, Maharashtra on December 5, 2018 to inquire about the blast at Pulgaon Ammunition Depot on November 20, in which five contract workers and one permanent worker from Jabalpur Ordnance factory were killed and ten injured (of which two are reported to be in critical condition). This report is based on the statements of villagers and workers whom the fact-finding team met with at Sonegaon village at Pulgaon. Their names have been kept anonymous — Editors

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Peter Hudis

December 24, 2018 Length: 1483 words 0 comments

Race, Recognition, and Revolution: The Debate on “Identity Politics”

Summary: These comments made at a plenary on “The Politics of Identity” at the Historical Materialism Conference in London in November 2018 explores the contentious issue of race, class and identity politics through the lens of some of the recently-published psychiatric writing of Frantz Fanon – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

December 23, 2018 2 comments

Marx on Nationalism, Class, and Revolution

Summary: Challenges notion that Marx dismissed or ignored nationalism by examining the Communist Manifesto and his writing on Poland and Ireland, which go far beyond solely economic considerations. Written for Oxford Handbook of Karl Marx, ed. Matt Vidal et al. First appeared in escholarship at UC-Santa Barbara — Editors

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Javier Sethness

December 21, 2018 0 comments

Trump’s Pullout and Turkey’s Threat to Rojava

Summary: Written as part of a call for an emergency demonstration in Los Angeles to support the Syrian Kurds First appeared in Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice — Editors

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Ali Kiani

December 12, 2018 Length: 576 words 0 comments

Follow-Up on Report of Sugar Workers Strike in Iran

Summary: Workers at Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane factory, women and men, gain support from other working people for their strike — Editors

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December 6, 2018 Length: 627 words 1 comments

A Day of Action Against Fascism and Racism

Summary: The International Marxist-Humanist Organization has endorsed this Day of Action — Editors

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Correspondent; Iran

December 5, 2018 Length: 449 words 0 comments

From Inside Iran: Repression of Sugar Cane Workers After Attempted Occupation

Summary: Appeal on behalf of labor activists and a journalist who have undergone prison and torture after workers staged a militant strike at a Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane facility in southern Iran — Editors

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Peter Hudis

December 2, 2018 2 comments

Non-linear Pathways to Social Transformation: Rosa Luxemburg and the Post-Colonial Condition

Summary: Rosa Luxemburg carried an intense study of pre-capitalist societies, partly to trace out the content of an alternative socialist society, thus challenging the orthodox Marxist notion of progress and modernity — Editors

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Javier Sethness

December 1, 2018 0 comments

[Discussion Article] What Were Stalin’s Real Crimes? Critique of “A Marxist-Leninist Perspective” on Stalin

Summary: Response to October 18, 2018  interview on “Revolutionary Left Radio” with Justin and Jeremy from the “Proles of the Round Table” and hosted by Breht  Ó Séaghdha, where Stalin was openly defended by supposed revolutionaries. Sethness’s three-part response first appeared on the website of Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice, in November 2018, Part I, Part II, and Part III.

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Raihan Ahmed,
Mark Jay

November 28, 2018 Length: 3484 words 0 comments

Free Shahidul Alam! Authoritarianism and Dissent in Bangladesh

Summary: The recent arrest of the internationally renowned activist and journalist Shahidul Alam in Bangladesh reveals the authoritarian character of the Bangladeshi government’s rule. In this article, Jay and Ahmed place the current situation in Bangladesh in its historical context and exposes its deep inner contradictions. — Editors

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David Black

November 22, 2018 Length: 4143 words 1 comments

Commemorating Helen Macfarlane (1818-60): Slavery, Abolitionism and the Roots of Scottish Marxism

Summary: A recent BBC television documentary, Slavery: Scotland’s Hidden Shame, calls to mind the writings of the Scottish Chartist, Helen Macfarlane – born 200 years ago. — Editors

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