In 1961, Erich Fromm’s writings against nuclear weapons and on Marx’s 1844 humanist writings brought him into conflict with Cold War liberals like Sidney Hook, Richard Bernstein, and into new contact with Raya Dunayevskaya. Author’s last version of chapter published in Towards a Human Science: The Relevance of Erich Fromm for Today, edited by Rainer Funk and Neil McLaughlin (Gessen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2015), pp. 209-19 and available on eScholarship — Editors.
Chinese translation here.
In 1961, Erich Fromm’s writings against nuclear weapons and on Marx’s 1844 humanist writings brought him into conflict with Cold War liberals like Sidney Hook, Richard Bernstein, and into new contact with Raya Dunayevskaya. Author’s last version of chapter published in Towards a Human Science: The Relevance of Erich Fromm for Today, edited by Rainer Funk and Neil McLaughlin (Gessen: Psychosozial-Verlag, 2015), pp. 209-19 and available on eScholarship — Editors.