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Articles in Turkish

Kieran Durkin

Erich Fromm ve Umudun Devrimi

Summary: Translated into Turkish by Sevil Kurdoğlu for here English original appeared in Jacobin on August…

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Sevgi Doğan,
Peter Hudis

Peter Hudis: ABD’deki gençler sosyalizmi tartışıyor

Interview with Peter Hudis by Sevgi Doğan on the pandemic, the recent rebellion, and the socialist alternative. First appeared in in Turkish translation in the journal Gazete DuvaR – Editors.

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Kevin B. Anderson

Marx kölelik deyince ne anlıyordu?

Birçok nesilden sosyalist gibi Marx da, Yeni Dünya’daki köleliğin kapitalist karakterini ve kölelerin özgürleşmesiyle işçi sınıfının zincirlerini kırması arasındaki kopmaz bağlantıyı görmüştü. Origina…

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Köstebek Kolektif

Raya Dunayevskaya, Diyalektik ve Devrim

Summary: Announces plan to translate Dunayevskaya’s Rosa Luxemburg, Women’s Liberation, and Marx’s Philosophy of Revolution — Editors

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Marx Sınırlarda. Etnisite, Ulus, Ulusçuluk ve Batı Dışı Toplumlar

Summary: On Turkish edition of Kevin B. Anderson, Marx at the Margins, Yordam Kitap, Istanbul–Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

“Marx’ın Batılı Olmayan ve Pre-Kapitalist Toplumlar Üzerine Geç Dönem Yazıları,” Translation of Ch. 6 of Marx at the Margins

Chapter 6 of Kevin B. Anderson’s book Marx at the Margins has been translated into Turkish by Fazıl Ahmet Kocaoğlu and published by the Turkish journal Teoria ve Politika.

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Peter Hudis,
Lalan Kishor Singh

India: A Dialog with a Worker on the Future of Marxism

Summary: This article was originally published in English on Feb. 7, 2018 in the International Marxist-Humanist, here: The Turkish…

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Kevin B. Anderson

On the Centenary of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution

Summary: This article was published in English on Nov. 9, 2017 in the International Marxist-Humanist, HERE.   The Turkish version was published in Sendika.Org and can be located HERE — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

“Grundrisse’den Kapital’e,” Translation of Ch. 5 of Marx at the Margins

Chapter 5 of Kevin B. Anderson’s book Marx at the Margins has been translated into Turkish by A. Ercüment Özkaya and published by the Turkish journal Teoria ve Politika.

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