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Articles in French

Kevin B. Anderson

Ukraine : Aspirations démocratiques et rivalités inter-impérialistes

Summary: This article was translated into French and published in Avanti: site animé par des marxistes révolutionnaires (Belgium). The original, entitled “Ukraine: Democratic Aspirations and Inter-Imp…

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Kevin B. Anderson

L’Armée égyptienne veut étouffer la révolution

Summary: This article was translated into French by its editors and published in SolidaritéS. The original, entitled “Egyptian Military Seeks to Extinguish Revolution — by Kevin Anderson,” appeared in…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Les postmodernes attaquent Marx à cause de son humanisme. Entretien avec Kevin B. Anderson

Summary: This article was translated into French by G. Cluseret and published in Avanti: site animé par des marxistes révolutionnaires. The original, entitled “Interview with Kevin Anderson,” appeared…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Sur la dialectique de la race et de la class. Les écrits de Marx sur la guerre civile, 150 ans plus tard

Summary: This article was translated into French by Selim Nadi and published in ContreTemps: Revue de critique communiste (Paris).  The original, entitled “On the Dialectics of Race and Class: Marx’s…

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Peter Hudis

Lire Rosa Luxemburg. Entretien avec Peter Hudis

Summary: This interview with Peter Hudis was translated into French by G. Cluseret and published in Avanti: Site animé par des marxistes révolutionnaires. The original article, “Reading Rosa,” appeare…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Le “Lincoln” de Spielberg, Karl Marx, et la deuxième révolution américain

Summary: This article was translated into French by Sylvia Nerina and published in Avanti: Site animé par des marxistes révolutionnaires (Belgium). Anderson’s original article, Spielberg’s “Lincoln,”…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Marx plus que dans les marges

Summary: This article was translated into French and published in La Brêche. It is a translation of the conclusion of Marx at the Margins The French translation of the conclusion can be accessed HERE …

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Isabelle Garo

Le peuple chez Marx, entre proletariat et nation

Summary: To be sure, Marx referred to the proletariat in an internationalist sense, across national boundaries. He also, on occasion, used the category of the “people,” the latter often in terms of na…

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