Natália de Oliveira

Natália de Oliveira is a Afro-Brazilian attorney and researcher based in Rio de Janeiro.

Articles From This Author

Natália de Oliveira

Eleições brasileiras 2022: desafios e espaços de resistência da esquerda brasileira na atual correlação de forças

Summary: Discusses the upcoming Brazilian election and how to defeat Bolsonarism — Editors English original here.

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Natália de Oliveira

Brazilian Elections 2022: Challenges and Space of The Resistance of The Brazilian Left

Summary: Discusses the upcoming Brazilian election and how to defeat Bolsonarism — Editors Portuguese original here.

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Natália de Oliveira,
Rodrigo Maiolini Rebello Pinho

Brazilian Marxist-Humanist Correspondence: On Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe

These letters from Brazilian Marxist-Humanists informally discuss the January 24th, 2022 killing of Moïse Mugenyi Kabagambe, the corrupt social context for this brutality, and the social repercussions…

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Natália de Oliveira

Sobre o mais recente massacre no Rio de Janeiro: sim, mais um

Resumo: O relatório discute as consequências do racismo no Brasil e como o racismo está profundamente entrelaçado no capitalismo – Editores.

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Natália de Oliveira

Concerning the Most Recent Massacre in Rio de Janeiro: Yes, Another One

Summary: Discusses the consequences of racism in Brazil and how racism is deeply intertwined in capitalism – Editors.

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Natália de Oliveira

Crisis and resistance in Brazil: survival strategies as a way to build a new future

Summary: Updated version of presentation to online November 14 mini conference of the IMHO on, “Where do we go from here? Global Revolutionary Perspectives on the Present Moment” — Editors

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Natália de Oliveira

Intersections among race, gender and class in Bolsonaro’s Brazil

Summary: On Bolsonaro’s first months as new president, emerged as a response to IMHO’s May Day statement of 2019, here  – editors.

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