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Los Angeles Rosa Luxemburg’s Concept of Revolution and Its Meaning for Today

A Marxist, a feminist, and among the most influential theorists of revolutionary politics, Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) remains a key point of reference for understanding today’s anti-capitalist struggles. Her concept of social transformation was rooted the inseparability of democracy and socialism. Her economic and political insights led her to be a fierce critic of imperialism and war. And while sympathetic to its aims, Luxemburg thoughtfully criticized the single party state that emerged in Russia after 1917 along lines that continue to resonate. Her criticisms were launched from a prison cell, where she had been placed for opposing German militarism, and from which she emerged in 1918 to take leadership of the revolutionary wing of German socialism. A year later, she was murdered by proto-fascists who threw her body into a canal.

Peter Hudis will address the contemporary significance of Luxemburg’s legacy, as well as the guidance her thought and example provide for revolutionary struggle in the Trump era.

In brief remarks, Xiong Min will report on debates on Luxemburg over the past century in China.

Peter Hudis is the General Editor of the ongoing COMPLETE WORKS OF ROSA LUXEMBURG. His other most recent books include MARX’S CONCEPT OF THE ALTERNATIVE TO CAPITALISM (2012) and FRANTZ FANON: PHILOSOPHER OF THE BARRICADES (2015).  He teaches philosophy at Oakton Community College in the Chicago area and is a member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.

Xiong Min teaches Marxist studies at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China, and was a Visiting Scholar this past year at UC-Santa Barbara. She has published a number of articles on Luxemburg and globalization.