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[Chicago] The Debate Over Mutual Aid: Revolutionary Solidarity or “Social Work?”

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Challenges to Social Transformation

– A series of discussions on today’s freedom struggles


Session 4: Monday, June 21, at 6:30 pm (CST):

The Debate Over Mutual Aid: Revolutionary Solidarity or “Social Work?”

Is mutual aid, which has become integral today’s anti-racist movements, inseparable from abolishing police, militarism and capitalism, or is to a form of “social work” that does not challenge the state and capital?

Opening the discussion: Rehmah Sufi

Suggested readings: Alyssa Adamson, “Mutual Aid Beyond the Welfare State from a Decolonial Perspective”: and Gus Breslauer, “Mutual Aid: A Factor of Liberalism?”



Session 5: Monday, July 12, at 6:30 pm (CST):

Rojava: A Progress Report

The liberated zone of Rojava in northern Syria was hailed by many in recent years as a unique expression of grassroots democracy and self-determination. How is this experiment injected social transformation now faring?

Opening the discussion: Kristopher Gardner



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