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[Los Angeles] Rosa Luxemburg, a Marxist for our Time

[Note new date: We had to postpone and move entirely to Zoom as our regular meeting spot was damaged by the rainstorm, though it will hopefully be repaired. The harsh reality of the climate emergency, brought to you by capitalism!]

[Before going to our main topic, we’ll begin the meeting with a brief discussion of the Gaza war, for which people are invited to read the Statement of the Steering Committee of the IMHO, here or some of our subsequent articles, for example, here and here ]

Rosa Luxemburg was a leading Marxist thinker who developed the theory of imperialism, a concept of the power of spontaneity in revolution, and a critique from the left of the Leninist-Trotskyist concept of a one-party revolutionary regime. All of these issues, along with her positionality as a Polish Jew living in Germany who was the most prominent woman Marxist thinker, have resulted in an increasing interest in Luxemburg’s life and writings.



Rocío Lopez, socialist feminist writer and activist

Hamid A, environmental and anti-racist activist



Remotely on Zoom

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Some suggested readings, all found in the Rosa Luxemburg Reader

Ch. 6: The Mass Strike

From Ch. 1, on colonialism: The Struggle Against Natural Economy, pp. 62-70

Ch. 12: The Russian Revolution


[Note: Watch for our March 24 meeting, topic TBA]



Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization

More information: [email protected]

Consider a donation to the IMHO to support our work


Zoom details

Remotely on Zoom
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[Note: Watch for our March 24 meeting, topic TBA]

Sponsored by Los Angeles Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization
More information: [email protected]
Consider a donation to the IMHO to support our work

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