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Los Angeles 1968, Year of Protest and Revolution, Fifty Years Later – Its Lessons for Today

Sunday, October 14
6:30-8:30 PM

Westside Peace Center
3916 Sepulveda Blvd., near Venice Blvd. (free parking in rear)
Suite 101-102, press #22 at door to get into building
Culver City (LA area)


  • Rocio Lopez, feminist antiwar activist who has lived in Latin America and Japan
  • Javier San Ramon, activist and member of the Association of Raza Educators
  • Kevin B. Anderson, 1968 student occupation participant & author of MARX AT THE MARGINS

The revolutionary waves of 1968 crisscrossed the globe and involved a variety of forces of revolution in the US, from students to the Black and Latinx communities and the nascent women’s liberation movement. The Chicanx East LA school walkouts will get particular attention in our discussion. 1968 reached its revolutionary high point in France, where workers joined students in occupying everything, almost toppling the capitalist state. Important developments also occurred in Czechoslovakia, where an experiment in socialist humanism was crushed by Russian tanks, in Mexico where students faced massacre by the state, and with Japan’s radical student movement.

Suggested reading: Raya Dunayevskaya, Ch. 9 on 1968 of PHILOSOPHY AND REVOLUTION: “New Passions and New Forces: The Black Dimension, The Anti-Vietnam War Youth, Rank-and-File Labor, Women’s Liberation

Sponsored by West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization
More information: <[email protected]>
