[Video] Fanon, Anti-Colonial Education and Marxist-Humanism with Ndindi Kitonga

Ndindi Kitonga,
Jared Ware

Summary: In this episode, sponsored by Millennials Are Killing Capitalism Live!, Jared Ware welcome Ndindi Kitonga to the show to discuss Frantz Fanon, Marxist-Humanism, and Ndindi’s work on anti-colonial education and pedagogy – Editors

Ndindi Kitonga, Ph.D. is a Kenyan educator, long-time community organizer, and houseless rights advocate. She is the co-founder of Angeles Workshop School, a radical secondary school in Los Angeles with a focus on democratic learning and class consciousness. In addition to her work in K-12 education, Ndindi teaches ethnic studies courses for the Cal State University system and is a published scholar in the areas of Black feminist abolitionisms, socialist humanism, critical pedagogy, and anti-colonial education.

In response to the horrific disparities the COVID pandemic exacerbated in her community, Ndindi co-created a small mutual aid network in her local community in March 2020. The unhoused population in this community is comprised mostly of Black and Latine people, many of who are queer, disabled, undocumented, and PWUD (people who use Drugs). The abolitionist network of care, Palms Unhoused Mutual Aid (PUMA) has grown over the past three years from a small collective where organizers share food, hygiene, harm reduction, and other supplies with their unhoused neighbors, to one where they are organizing popular education clinics, coalition-building, and political mobilization.


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