Like a pillar of salt
ground into the wounds of a world,
Washington’s monument looms
like a shade over Capital’s America.
As a child, I watched fireworks
beneath its erection,
watched rockets spew stars from
earth to sky
while “Oh, say can you see”
boomed forth around us.
Now, our nation’s lies
fly forth like dollars over rivers
while our drones shoot rockets
not for joy but for murder.
Investments fly through WiFi
by-passing dying seas
and an atmosphere pregnant with the carbon
Capital has seeded,
while the people of the Earth foresee only
terror ahead.
But are we really like Lot?
Is there no turning back?
Can’t the anger of billions
de-man the pillars of death?
Although we all knew it was impossible,
Western Civilization nonetheless survived
the centuries of warming,
survived the deaths of salmon, cod and sturgeon,
the final die-offs of hummingbirds and eagles,
the disappearance of honey and bees.
Flowers died, but rats and cockroaches lived on,
as did the mutant skunks to greet each rising sun
with their subtle perfume
as sacrifice to the gods
who helped nachos, Fritos, Big Macs
and other totems of the Good Life
to survive.
None of the robots who ran the factories,
staffed the stores, kept accounts of corporate profits,
and threw out the Pepsis and TV dinners
when they passed their due dates
so the rats and skunks could thrive
could tell you why or how this magic happened,
and none remembered people
gone some million years.