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Ali Kiani

August 31, 2014 Length: 1459 words 0 comments

The Iranian Revolution and the Crisis in the Left: A Pathway to a New Understanding of Dialectics in Marxism

Although this was presented to the West Coast Socialist Scholars Conference in April 1993, it has never been published. We do so now because the issues raised here still speak to problems faced by serious Marxists in Iran and beyond – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Barbara Epstein,
Sasha Lilley

August 25, 2014 Length: 76 words 0 comments

[Audio] Conversation on the Rise and Fall of Socialist Humanism

Socialist humanist ideas were broadly championed by key thinkers in the mid-20th century, like E.P. Thompson, Fanon, Marcuse, and Fromm, but have now disappeared seemingly without a trace. Barbara Epstein and Kevin Anderson explore socialist humanism’s rise and fall, in part as postmodernism took center stage as an ideological current. They argue that the left is not better off without it.

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Dan Beltaigne

August 15, 2014 Length: 541 words 1 comments

Ferguson: Where to Now?

The murder of two unarmed African-American men by police—Eric Garner and Michael Brown—shows that the power structure of U.S. society remains inherently racist. New protests are emerging around the country to challenge this deplorable state of affairs. – Editors

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Ben Watson

August 10, 2014 Length: 3644 words 0 comments

Cosmic Rays vs. Teddie Bears

Contribution to “Althusser, Debord and Adorno Reconsidered in the light of Dunayevskaya: Dialectic Regained,” International Marxist-Humanist Meeting with Kevin Anderson and Dave Black at Mayday Rooms, Fleet Street, London, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. This article first appeared on the web blog of the Association of Musical Marxists http://ammarxists.org/cosmic-rays-vs-teddie-bears/ – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

July 26, 2014 Length: 6360 words 1 comments

Popular Movements and Their Contradictions: From the Arab Revolutions to Today

Emancipatory popular movements have encountered deep contradictions in Ukraine, Syria, Tunisia, South Africa, and elsewhere. This is especially the case with regard to the vicissitudes of democratic revolutions when faced with, on the one hand, challenges from the right, and on the other, the imperative of anti-capitalism. Based upon a report to the Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, Chicago – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

July 21, 2014 Length: 995 words 1 comments

Stop the Israeli Invasion of Gaza! Stop the Endless War Against the Palestinians!

Israel’s ongoing invasion, by land, sea and air, of the Gaza Strip is completely unjustified and involves yet another round of pointless killing of innocent civilians. The Israelis and Palestinians will obtain no respite from yet another pointless war over Gaza until the Israeli state and public acknowledges the right of the Palestinians to their own viable independent state—something that first of all requires the cessation of all hostilities against the Palestinians and the removal of Jewish settlers from the occupied West Bank — Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

June 22, 2014 Length: 947 words 1 comments

Tragedy in Iraq and Syria: Will It Swallow Up the Arab Revolutions?

The sudden collapse of Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city, in the face of a well-organized transregional attack by extreme jihadists allied with Baathist nationalists, illustrated once again just how big a defeat the US experienced in Iraq. For the forces that took over Mosul and swept down toward Baghdad were the very ones, rooted in the Sunni Arab minority, which had fought the US for six years. So much for the “shock and awe” of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld invasion and the “surge” under the bemedalled General Petraeus! All of which cost the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and 4500 US troops.

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Heather A. Brown

June 19, 2014 Length: 32 words 0 comments

Marx on Gender and the Family: A Summary

Summary: Summary of Heather A. Brown’s “Marx on Gender and the Family”. Portuguese translation here.

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Sarah Mason

June 18, 2014 Length: 885 words 0 comments

Comments on Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism

This article is based upon oral remarks given in March following a presentation by Peter Hudis on his Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism at a meeting in Los Angeles. The video is HERE  — Editors

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Peter Hudis

June 9, 2014 Length: 42 words 0 comments

[Video] Talk in Slovenia on Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism

Talk by Peter Hudis on his book, Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism, at the Institute for Workers’ Education, Turbarjeva House of Literature, Ljubljana, Slovenia, with discussion by participants from several countries in the Balkans (2 hrs.) — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

June 5, 2014 Length: 857 words 1 comments

India Veers Right, as Asia’s Rulers Jostle for Hegemony

The election of the anti-Muslim Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi in India is viewed in terms of the regional ascendancy of right-wing parties, and of the danger of war – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

June 2, 2014 Length: 2700 words 1 comments

The Althusserian Cul-de-Sac

Althusser’s structuralist Marxism is critiqued both in terms of his theory of ideological superstructures and his interpretation of Marx as an anti-humanist, anti-Hegelian. This essay originally appeared in Logos, Spring 2014  – Editors

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David Black

April 13, 2014 Length: 1524 words 0 comments

Tracing the Contours of Anti-Capitalism

A review of The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism: Essays on History, Culture, and Dialectical Thought by David Black, (Lexington Books, 2013). Originally appeared in the blog Criticism &c.  – Editors

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