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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

November 25, 2014 Length: 655 words 0 comments

After Ferguson, There Is No Justice in America

There is no justice in America—not for victims of police abuse, and surely not for Blacks and Latinos who are enduring the oppressive apparatus an American “civilization” that long ago shed its last trace of humanity.

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Mehmet Tas

November 24, 2014 Length: 1400 words 0 comments

Is This the End of Democracy? On the Middle East after ISIS

A long-time Turkish activist discusses how the potential unleashed by the Arab Revolutions risked being stifled by the most recent incarnations of Islamic fundamentalism as well as the short sighted and self-interested policies of the U.S. and NATO, especially when it comes to Syria and Iraq – Editors

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Heather A. Brown,
Estelle Cooch

November 23, 2014 Length: 52 words 1 comments

Towards a Marxist Theory of Gender?

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Dale Heckerman

November 2, 2014 Length: 539 words 0 comments

Family of Denver Homeless Preacher Killed by Deputies Awarded $4.6 Million

Large payouts by Denver sheriffs in deaths of two Black men is tied to race/class structure of U.S. – Editors

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Lenore Daniels

October 28, 2014 Length: 4989 words 0 comments

Health Care Only In U.S.A.: The Too Often Deadly and Truly Absurd

This narrative of an experience in the “health” care system by a leading writer on Black liberation and feminism underlines how today, more than ever, illness in the U.S. is big business and a source of relentless profit—with the needs of the human individual rendered almost completely superfluous – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

October 11, 2014 Length: 1025 words 4 comments

Syria: Revolutionaries Caught Between ISIS and US Imperialism

All eyes are on Kobane, Syria, where Kurdish forces, women as well as men, are under threat of extermination from the reactionary ISIS, even as they seek to defend their social gains. They are doing so in the face of several other forces of reaction, whether US imperialism, the genocidal Assad regime, or the virulently anti-Kurdish Turkish regime – Editors

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Cristina A.

October 5, 2014 Length: 3150 words 0 comments

On the People’s Climate March: Marx and the Metabolic Interactions between Humyns and the Environment

This article notes the writers experiences at the Peoples Climate March in New York in September and discusses the linkages between climate destabilization and capitalism through a Marxist lens – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

September 25, 2014 Length: 1332 words 1 comments

Global Labour and Recent Popular Movements

Trade unions, political parties and more grassroots forms of organisation are discussed with respect to the UK, Thailand, and Cambodia; edited version of a talk at the Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organisation on 27 July 2014 in Chicago – Editors

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Megan Redd

September 24, 2014 Length: 739 words 1 comments

People’s Climate LA: Los Angeles, California Solidarity March—September 20, 2014

This article is a participant perspective from the Peoples Climate March, Los Angeles (September 20, 2014) – Editors

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Peter Hudis

September 23, 2014 Length: 6679 words 11 comments

From Philosophy to Organization and Back: Marxist-Humanist Tasks and Perspectives

Discusses new interest in Marxist humanism in Eastern Europe, the relation of economics to philosophy in Piketty and Marx, and that of philosophy to organization for Marxist-Humanism, from Dunayevskaya to today; slightly edited version of a presentation to the Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, July 26, 2014 in Chicago – Editors

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

September 15, 2014 Length: 2891 words 0 comments

Statement on Some Important Issues for 2014-2015

The following is adapted from the Call that preceded our July 2014 Convention in Chicago. It takes up several issues of key importance to those struggling to overcome the stranglehold of capitalism, from the economy and Ukraine to the dialectics of race/class/revolution and the contributions of Marxist-Humanists to the fight for a new humanist society. We also call attention to our July statement of the IMHO on Gaza and to our August analysis of Ferguson, Missouri, as well as to our June statement on the challenge of ISIS. – Editors

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Hamid Assian

September 14, 2014 Length: 1382 words 0 comments

The Central American Refugees of US Imperialism

The hypocritical response of the Obama administration to the influx of child refugees from Central America is tied to US imperialist policies over the last century – Editors

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