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Karel Ludenhoff

March 4, 2016 Length: 1850 words 0 comments

Further Discussion on Action & Analysis

Summary: This article responds to Hamid Assian’s “On Action & Analysis,” published here on Feb. 11  and to the comment on it and on theory and practice by Mia Carlsen — Editors

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Hamid Assian

February 11, 2016 Length: 552 words 2 comments

Action & Analysis: Missing the point of human collaboration to transcend capitalism

Summary: Based on an intervention at a Los Angeles International Marxist-Humanist Organization meeting in response to the argument that immediate action was more important than theoretical reflection — Editors

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Peter Hudis,
Rasul Mowatt,
Michelle Moyd,
Doug Storm

February 9, 2016 0 comments

[Audio] Interchange — Frantz Fanon: Toward a New Humanism

Summary: Conversation about Peter Hudis’s new book, Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades, hosted by Doug Storm on “Interchange,” a program on WHFB, Bloomington (Indiana) Community Radio (1 hr.) — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

February 2, 2016 Length: 787 words 0 comments

Oppose Repression in Turkey

Summary: Repression has deepened in Turkey, targeting the Kurds, the left, and intellectuals, in an attempt to wipe out the emancipatory spirit of the past several years, whether at Gezi Park or in the Kurdish movement in Turkey and Syria — Editors

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Tithi Bhattacharya,
Peter Hudis,
Selim Nadi

January 29, 2016 Length: 3 words 0 comments

[Audio] SOAS Panel on Hudis, Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades

Summary: — In November 2015, the student organization Decolonizing Our Minds at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, brought out several hundred youth to a discussion by Selim Nadi, Tithi Bhattacharya, and Peter Hudis of the latter’s new book, Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades (Peter’s presentation starts 39 minutes in) — Editors

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Nicholas Guzowski

January 12, 2016 Length: 1086 words 0 comments

Humanism and the Syrian Refugees

Summary: US nationalism underlies a feeling of superiority toward other nations and peoples. This can been seen in the outright rejection of the Syrian refugees, despite our common humanity — Editors

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Dan Beltaigne

January 10, 2016 Length: 411 words 4 comments

Flint, Our Future?

Summary: The severe water contamination in Flint, Michigan, which has already impacted the health of the population, especially the youth, stems from the poisonous legacies of both racial oppression and capital accumulation — Editors

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Dale Heckerman

December 28, 2015 Length: 1237 words 0 comments

UAW Reaches Agreements with Detroit Three and Kohler

Summary: Strong rank-and-file mobilization in the auto industry leads to a contract that limits two-tier pay scales, improving the initial one negotiated by the “business unionists” of the United Auto Workers Union (UAW), while UAW Kohler workers in Wisconsin end up with a less favorable contract — Editors

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Peter Hudis

December 28, 2015 Length: 2118 words 0 comments

Pedagogy of Insurrection—A Review of The Newest Book of Peter McLaren

Summary: Peter McLaren’s Pedagogy of Insurrection represents an effort to ground revolutionary approaches to education in a critique of the fundamental principles of global capitalism—such as wage labor, value production, racism and sexism. This review highlights the contributions as well as some of the contradictions found in this important work of revolutionary theory—Editors

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International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran

December 13, 2015 Length: 34 words 0 comments

Support Imprisoned Iranian Teacher Mahmoud Beheshti Langroodi, On Hunger Strike Since November 26, 2015

Summary: Mahmoud Beheshti Langroodi, a member of the Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association in Tehran, has gone on hunger strike after being sentenced to nine years in prison for his union activities — Editors

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J Turk

December 11, 2015 Length: 537 words 0 comments

Chicago Protest Demands Accounting for Police Murders

Summary: Determined protests against police brutality and murder continue in Chicago amid attempts at whitewash and questions over the meaning of changing “the system” — Editors

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Marcelo Mendez

December 2, 2015 Length: 697 words 0 comments

Climate Action at L.A. City Hall – #EarthtoParis

The November 29 climate rally in downtown Los Angeles addressed the need for a local shift from fossil fuels to renewables, as well as issues of race and class – Editors.

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The Chicago Chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

November 25, 2015 Length: 672 words 14 comments

Beyond the Chicago Police Murder and Cover-Up: Toward a New Humanity

Summary: The murder of Laquan McDonald reveals not only the depravity of the Chicago cop who killed him but also of the entire police department, criminal justice system, and political forces that sought to conceal this crime and that of others against people of color all over the U.S. — Editors

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