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Khalfani Malik Khaldun

October 4, 2017 Length: 1951 words 0 comments

IDOC-Watch: Prisoner Support and Bridging the Gap

Summary: This article by a longtime New Afrikan political prisoner details the horrors of solitary confinement and the struggle by prisoners to resist the increasingly dehumanizing conditions within America’s criminal justice system – Editors

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Richard Abernethy

October 1, 2017 Length: 1044 words 0 comments

Myanmar/Burma: Rohingya Lives Matter

Summary: Genocide against the Rohingya – what can the international Left do to oppose it? – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

September 30, 2017 Length: 1019 words 0 comments

Trump’s Nuclear Threats Against North Korea and Iran Pose Existential Crisis for Humanity

Summary: A new stage of imperialist degeneracy, itself rooted in the political and economic crisis of U.S. capitalism, lies behind Trump’s threat of nuclear genocide against North Korea and his moves toward war with Iran — Editors

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Karel Ludenhoff

September 29, 2017 Length: 1311 words 0 comments

Turmoil in German Politics after Bundestag Elections

Summary –German’s Bundestag elections show how neoliberal centrism paves the way for the rise of right-wing politics while failures on the left to develop alternatives to capitalist society have stifled their movement. What is to be made of the emergence of a new potential alliance of the black, green, and yellow? – Editors

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Mohsen Abdelmoumen,
Peter Hudis

August 22, 2017 Length: 9 words 0 comments

Awareness of the Non-Viability of Capitalism Grows by the Day

Summary: Mohsen Adbelmoumen interviews Peter Hudis on contemporary working class struggles, the ongoing crisis in Venezuela, the role that activists and theorists can play in envisioning alternatives to capitalism, and the significance of Frantz Fanon’s thought for ongoing struggles against racism. First appeared in American Herald Tribune (7800w) – Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

August 17, 2017 Length: 624 words 0 comments

White Supremacy, Hate, and Violence in Charlottesville – A Marxist Humanist Response

Summary: The events of Charlottesville evidence the racist and xenophobic hate of the alt-right but we must not forget that, although perhaps not hate-based, racism remains a structural feature of our capitalist society. The struggle against racism is also the struggle against capital — Editors

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Coalition for Peace; Revolution and Social Justice (CPRSJ)

August 16, 2017 Length: 377 words 0 comments

Stop Trump’s War Threats against North Korea and Iran!

Summary: This statement on North Korea and Iran by the Los Angeles Coalition for Peace, Revolution and Social Justice (CPRSJ) has been passed out at local peace demonstrations. The International Marxist-Humanist Organization (IMHO) is a founding member of the CPRSJ — Editors

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J Turk

August 16, 2017 Length: 483 words 0 comments

Chicago Protest over Charlottesville Attack and Trump’s Racism

Summary: A Chicago rally to memorialize Heather Heyer, killed in Charlottesville, Virginia, brought together a community of activists aiming to push back against Trump-style protofascim, white supremacy, police terror, and other new forms of oppression — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

August 15, 2017 Length: 865 words 0 comments

Poland, Polarised

Summary: A vigorous mass movement has arisen to oppose the encroaching authoritarianism of Poland’s rightwing government. – Editors

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David Black

July 17, 2017 Length: 2193 words 1 comments

The British Crisis and the Corbyn Surge: A Perfect Political Storm in the Making

Summary –British Prime Minister Theresa May, having lost her Parliamentary majority in the June 2017 election, is now grappling with the prospect of national humiliation and economic disaster in the Brexit negotiations with the European Union. Does Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party now have a chance to present an alternative to austerity and neoliberalism? – Editors

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Xiong Min

July 15, 2017 Length: 10 words 0 comments

Rosa Luxemburg in China: Ninety Years of Ups and Downs

Summary: Rosa Luxemburg’s name has gradually become more prominent in China, spurred by a new generation of scholars. Originally appeared in New Politics Online   –Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

July 14, 2017 Length: 2090 words 0 comments

Rightwing Populism, Neofascism, & Imperialism in the Trump Era: Where Do We Go from Here?

Summary:  Speech at the launch of the Los Angeles Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice https://cprsj.wordpress.com/, Westside Peace Center, July 14, 2017. Also speaking: Frieda Afary of Alliance of Syrian and Iranian Socialists, Zach Madeiros of Socialist Party USA, and Javier Sethness of Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation (2200w) — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Sofia Cutler,
Sara Farah,
John Bellamy Foster,
Emanuel Guay

July 13, 2017 Length: 49 words 0 comments

Neoliberalism in Crisis

Summary: Kevin B Anderson and John Bellamy Foster discuss the contemporary crisis of neoliberalism and how to fight it through an examination of the relevance of Capital today. This article was originally published in 3 A.M. Magazine, Thursday, July 13th, 2017 and can be found 3:AM Magazine Website — Editors

(Persian Translation)

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Kevin B. Anderson

July 11, 2017 Length: 2301 words 0 comments

French Elections Install a New Political Order: But Is It Built on Sand?

Jean-Luc Mélenchon

Summary: Three political currents have the wind in their sails: Macron’s neoliberal centrism, Mélenchon’s leftwing populism, and Le Pen’s rightwing populism with fascist overtones. This shows the political system’s overall instability, rooted in the economic and social stagnation that marks France and the developed world today. Originally published in New Politics Online, July 10, 2017 http://newpol.org/content/french-elections-install-new-political-order-it-built-sand (2361w) — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

July 10, 2017 Length: 1582 words 0 comments

Book Review: Eleanor Marx, by Rachel Holmes

Summary: A lively, recent biography (published by Bloomsbury in 2014) gives a vivid account of Eleanor Marx (1855-1898) and her circle, at the heart of late nineteenth century socialism–Editors

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