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Rocio Lopez,
Kevork Sassouni

July 28, 2018 Length: 1094 words 0 comments

Road to Change: March for Our Lives & Black Lives Matter Town Hall

Summary:  Public meeting in South Central Los Angeles brings together youth activists from March for Our Lives and Black Lives Matter for discussion of different forms of violence affecting US youth and the need for a total change — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

July 17, 2018 Length: 908 words 0 comments

Trump in Britain – Protests all the Way

Summary: Trump’s (un)diplomatic visit: uncertain relations between the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union: and the biggest protests against a foreign leader in British history – Editors.

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Javier Sethness

July 17, 2018 0 comments

The Fall of Der’aa: Assad’s Counter-Revolution Triumphant

Summary: The fall of Der’aa, the city where the Syrian revolution began, is a real tragedy for the forces of human liberation, as seen in this account by a member of the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation. First appeared in Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

July 14, 2018 Length: 5738 words 1 comments

War, Imperialism, and Class Polarization on a Global Scale: From East Asia to the Middle East and from South Africa to Europe

Summary: Presented at the Chicago Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization; examines the N. Korea summit, Trump’s and the European far right, the Middle East, and the fate of 2 societies that underwent actual revolutions, South Africa and China. A slightly abbreviated version appeared in New Politics Online on July 20, 2018.

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Rocio Lopez

July 14, 2018 Length: 1746 words 0 comments

Contradictions of the Latin American Left: Nicaragua, Venezuela, Mexico, and the PinkTide

Summary: Based upon a presentation to the Convention of International Marxist-Humanist Organization in Chicago, emphasizing current struggles in Nicaragua, Venezuela, the Mexican presidential election, and abortion rights — Editors

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Ndindi Kitonga

July 13, 2018 Length: 2365 words 0 comments

Race, Capitalism, and Resistance in the United States

Summary: Based on a talk at the panel on “Revitalizing Revolutionary Theory and Practice,” Loyola University July 13, 2018, sponsored by Loyola University and the International Marxist-Humanist Organization — Editors

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Arvind Ghosh

July 10, 2018 0 comments

When Marx Came Anew in Patna

Summary: Report of the international Marx bicentennial conference in Bihar, India. First appeared in Frontier — Editors

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J Turk

July 3, 2018 Length: 1574 words 1 comments

The Supreme Court Joins Trump’s Plan for a Police State as Mass Protests Resist

Summary: Still another national mobilization – against seizures of refugee children and attacks on immigrant communities — has challenged Trump’s police state vision for America. At the same time, the U.S. Supreme Court has certified the nativist, corporate, and misogynist policies of Trump and the Republican Party, which lays bare degenerate state-capitalism — Editors

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Rocio Lopez

June 29, 2018 Length: 1137 words 0 comments

Free the Children!

Summary: On Trump regime’s kidnapping of 2342 refugee and migrant children and the resistance to this outrage — Editors

Spanish translation

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Paul Rubner

June 28, 2018 Length: 281 words 0 comments

On Australia’s Black Dimension: The Northern Territory Intervention

Summary — The ‘Northern Territory Intervention’ launched by the Australian government in 2007 represents yet another episode in the long history of oppression and discrimination directed against this country’s First Australians. Paul Rubner reports on activist opposition — Editors

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Coalition for Peace; Revolution and Social Justice (CPRSJ)

June 19, 2018 Length: 5 words 0 comments

[Video] Walkout at the Left Forum against Ajamu Baraka’s Assad Apologism

Summary: The pro-Syria revolution left walked out of Green Party leader Ajamu Baraka’s speech at the Left Forum in New York, due to his longstanding support of the murderous Assad regime. First appeared in Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice (CPRSJ), here https://cprsj.wordpress.com/2018/06/19/walkout-at-the-left-forum-against-ajamu-barakas-assad-apologism/ — Editors

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Peter Hudis

June 17, 2018 0 comments

Racism and the Logic of Capitalism: A Fanonion Reconsideration

Summary: An examination of Frantz Fanon’s writings helps us to transcend one-sided class-reductionist analyses and equally one-sided affirmations of identity that bypass or ignore class. First appeared in Historical Materialism 20:2 (2018) –Editors

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Sankar Ray

June 13, 2018 3 comments

Marx Was A Great Scholar in Mathematics, Linguistics

Summary: On Karl Marx’s Mathematical Manuscripts with a Special Supplement, translated and edited by Pradip Baksi, a Kolkata-based Marx scholar, and issued by Aakar Books. First published by India Press Agency (June 13) — Editors

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Richard Abernethy

June 10, 2018 Length: 281 words 0 comments

Oxford March to Save Our National Health Service

Summary: Health workers and supporters march for free health care for all, and workers’ rights — Editors

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Douglas Lain

June 8, 2018 Length: 12 words 0 comments

[Video] What Does the Working Class Know? A Report on the Left Forum

Summary: Douglas Lain of Zero Books on what he takes to have been the highlights of Left Forum 2018. Marxist-Humanism features prominently, with Peter Hudis’s theorization of Marx’s concept of labor contrasted to that of the late Moishe Postone –Editors

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