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Rosa Luxemburg

March 5, 2020 Length: 1927 words 0 comments

Luxemburg: ‘Critique in the workers’ movement’

Summary: On Rosa Luxemburg’s birthday, we present an extract from her 1906 essay “Critique in the Workers’ Movement,” available in English for the first time. Originally published on VersoBooks’ blog here – Editors.

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Damian Algabre,
Seamus Connolly

March 2, 2020 Length: 1031 words 0 comments

University of California Graduate Students Strike Against Unsustainable Housing Costs Spreads

Summary: Graduate students at UC Santa Barbara (UCSB) have gone on a wildcat teaching strike in protest at unsustainable living conditions, joining their colleagues at UC Santa Cruz, who have been on strike since December of last year – Editors

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Chris Aquino

February 28, 2020 Length: 1806 words 0 comments

They Shook the Walls of Their “Betters”: A Report on the Sanders Campaign

Summary: On the class divide between rank-and-file workers and trade union bureaucrats, that motivated the Sanders campaign in Iowa and Nevada — Editors

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Dermot Dix

February 25, 2020 Length: 1581 words 0 comments

The Irish general election of February 2020

Summary: The Irish election has produced a very strong showing for the left around issues of housing and healthcare costs/accessibility. Yet the left-of-centre Sinn Féin is not without contradictions — Editors

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Parivartan ki Disha

February 23, 2020 Length: 1434 words 1 comments

Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register for Citizens (NRC) are violent attacks against the working and oppressed masses of India

Summary: Vigorous and extensive participation of working masses in the ongoing spontaneous protest movement is the need of the hour!

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Jens Johansson

February 5, 2020 Length: 1000 words 0 comments

Remarks on Race, Capital, and Revolution

Summary: Delivered as a comment after a presentation by Kevin B. Anderson on Marx at the Margins at University of Lund, Sweden — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

January 18, 2020 Length: 1107 words 0 comments

Emancipation of the working class is the act of workers themselves!

Summary: Below is the text of a flyer that was written by Lalan, a worker in Nagpur, India, and translated by Arvind Ghosh, for the General Strike in India which on 8-9th of January saw 150 million workers went on strike, including workers in transport, financial services, and both state-owned and private industries – Editors.

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 14, 2020 Length: 5120 words 0 comments

Sudan’s Revolution of 2019: At the Crossroads of Africa and the Arab World

Summary: Sudan’s revolution is not only Arab but also African in a way not seen in the 2011 Arab uprisings. The old regime combined Islamism and a racist  form of Arabism with military rule, touching off in response a youthful, democratic, multiethnic, and pro-feminist revolutionary movement that has achieved something akin to dual power. First appeared in New Politics, Winter 2020, here https://newpol.org/issue_post/sudans-revolution-of-2019/ – Editors.

Spanish translation

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Ndindi Kitonga

January 13, 2020 Length: 4296 words 2 comments

Anti-Colonialism and Humanism

Summary: This article on the differences between colonial-racist and emancipatory humanism, with a particular focus on Africa and on the writings of Frantz Fanon, is based on a presentation at a Los Angeles meeting of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization, June 2019. First appeared in New Politics, Winter 2020, here https://newpol.org/issue_post/anti-colonialism-and-humanism/ –Editors

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Michael Löwy

January 3, 2020 Length: 13 words 0 comments

[Video] Um Marx do ponto de vista da periferia

Summary: This short video on the new translation of Kevin B. Anderson’s “Marx at the Margins” was first published on the website of Boitempo Editorial (Sao Paulo) on December 18, 2019, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FppS1YizO7E#action=share — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

January 3, 2020 Length: 566 words 1 comments

Trump’s Reckless Assassination of Iranian General Is an Act of War

The January 3 assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was both reckless and illegal, an act of war that threatens a regional conflict – Editors.

Hindi translation

Chinese translation

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Damian Algabre

December 26, 2019 Length: 1121 words 0 comments

JK Rowling and the Proliferation of Mundane Transphobia

Summary: A statement against the insidious nature of casually transphobic rhetoric in UK media and the accompanying transphobic action which so often goes unexamined – Editors.

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Peter Hudis

December 22, 2019 Length: 997 words 3 comments

Beyond Impeachment: Challenges Facing the U.S. Left in 2020

Summary:  While the effort of House Democrats to impeach Trump has not undermined his hold on power, the real test lies in taking the battle against him beyond the confines of the impeachment process — Editors.

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The International Marxist-Humanist Organization

December 19, 2019 Length: 595 words 0 comments

Support the Work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization

Summary: We need your help to continue the work of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization.

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Kevin B. Anderson

December 19, 2019 Length: 1073 words 0 comments

Self-Mobilized Hirak Movement Persists in Algeria after Phony Election

Summary: Algeria’s nearly yearlong democratic movement resists a farcical election, continuing its standoff with the semi-military regime — Editors

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