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Kevin B. Anderson,
Peter Hudis

November 11, 2020 Length: 1866 words 5 comments

U.S. Election Shows Deep Divisions, with Multiple Dangers Ahead Even If Trump Can Be Made to Leave Office

Summary: Deep contradictions following U.S. election — Editors

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Lalan Kishor Singh

November 1, 2020 Length: 3076 words 0 comments

To understand Marxism, we need to know Marx! Preliminary notes on Marx and Marxism

Summary: This reflection by a worker in Nagpur, India consists of his effort to come to grips with the basic principles of Marx’s thought and its relevance to the current period – Editors

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Political Prisoners

October 31, 2020 Length: 276 words 0 comments

Letter by 72 Political Prisoners in Iran

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Sevgi Doğan

October 29, 2020 Length: 1019 words 0 comments

From Black Lives Matter to Gezi and Rojava

Summary: Questions for the Black Lives Matter uprising in light of the Turkish and Kurdish mass movements and uprisings — and repression — since 2013 — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 27, 2020 Length: 659 words 0 comments

Thoughts on the U.S. Elections: Threat of the Far Right

Summary: English version of interview with the leftwing Greek weekly Epohi. Greek version first appeared here http://www.epohi.gr/article/37389/kevin-anterson-stoys-repoymplikanoys-ehei-epikrathsei-h-akrodexia-politikh

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Sushanta D. Roy

October 25, 2020 Length: 2400 words 0 comments

Jacindamania and the Aotearoa New Zealand Elections of 2020: Hopes and Potentialities

Summary: The New Zealand elections as a gain and as a limitation for the left — Editors.

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Peter Hudis

October 20, 2020 Length: 1629 words 5 comments

In Memoriam: James Obst, Friend, Comrade, Revolutionary

Summary: James Obst (1953-2020) was a founding member of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization who gave 45 years of his life to the cause of human self-emancipation.

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P. H.,
A. N.,
M. S.,
T. T.

October 18, 2020 Length: 2498 words 2 comments

[Discussion Article] Against War in Արցախ | Qarabağ (Nagorno-Karabakh)

Summary: This “Decolonial, antifascist and ecofeminist statement from Armenia”
first appeared on the website of Sev Bibar on October 12, 2020, here https://medium.com/sev-bibar/against-war-in-%D5%A1%D6%80%D6%81%D5%A1%D5%AD-qaraba%C4%9F-2baaecfbad5e — Editors

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Charlotte Achieng-Evensen

October 16, 2020 Length: 70 words 0 comments

Poem for Black Lives

Summary: This poem was written by Achieng-Evensen after scholar-activist Tajuan spoke out on need to remember the many Black lives lost at a #ScholarsStrike teach-in organized by Chapman University students and the Paulo Freire Democratic Project via zoom – Editors.

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Khalfani Malik Khaldun

October 14, 2020 Length: 894 words 1 comments

A Prisoner’s View of Defunding Police and Prison Abolition

Summary: These two related pieces are by a U.S. political prisoner who relates the shooting of Jacob Blake by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin to the need not to separate demands for defunding police from ending capital punishment and abolishing the prison system. You reach him at: Khalfani Khaldun, 874304, PO Box 1111 G-215, Carlisle, IN 47838

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Kevin B. Anderson

October 11, 2020 Length: 856 words 2 comments

Indonesia: Mass Strikes Show Intersection of Class, Gender, and Ecology

Summary: Indonesians strike against neoliberal law that would roll back labor and women’s rights as well as environmental protections — Editors

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Noe Santillan

September 27, 2020 Length: 2947 words 0 comments

[Discussion Article] Social Movements and the Pandemic

This article develops on the changing landscape for social movements after the Covid-19 pandemic. It first appeared in New Horizon, May 2020 – Editors.

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Emergency Committee for Rojava

September 26, 2020 Length: 341 words 0 comments

The Raids Against the Opposition in Turkey Show Erdogan’s Weakness

Summary: Amid economic and political crisis, Turkish police crack down on pro-Kurdish HDP and the non-Kurdish opposition. First appeared on website of Emergency Committee for Rojava on September 26, 2020 https://www.defendrojava.org/news/the-raids-against-the-opposition-in-turkey-show-erdoans-weakness — Editors

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Rocio Lopez

September 20, 2020 Length: 798 words 0 comments

US Unemployment Catastrophe

Summary: Increasingly dire situation of unemployed in the US — Editors

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Chris Aquino

September 19, 2020 Length: 1084 words 0 comments

Demonstrating to Abolish School Police in Los Angeles

Summary: Los Angeles youth demonstration to abolish school police faces counterdemonstrators — Editors

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