Account of brutal police response to a demonstration against police brutality and murder in Denver – Editors
On Wednesday April 29th, 6 PM in Denver, a rally in support of the Baltimore protests against the police murder of Freddie Gray took place. The rally was called
In an act of defiance at around 7 PM, approximately 150 protestors took to the streets. The protestors were met with an overwhelming show of force, as cops attempted to ram the marchers with their motorcycles. A video taken by one of the protestors reveals that as the march was reaching its destination at Civic Center Park, one of the cops lost control of his motorcycle and the motorcycle fell onto its side.
The cop who carelessly let his motorcycle fall on its side then told other cops that the protestors pushed him over. The cops responded by resorting to pepper spray and not being too concerned about who was hit with the overspray, as at least one child was sprayed. The cops arrested eleven protestors. One had to be taken to the hospital in custody, some face felonies and others misdemeanors.
Of course, one of the first arrested was a popular African American protestor who was wrestled to the ground, reminiscent of Freddie Gray. A friend of mine who took a picture of his arrest was overzealously pepper sprayed.
The protestors then proceeded to chant, “This Is What a Police State Looks Like”, followed by “Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect?”
The LA rally on May 2 drew about 150 people, this after the indictment of the Baltimore police. The crowd was young, multiracial, and determined, giving the sense of an ongoing movement.