Summary: Response to the French government’s McCarthyite and Islamophobic attempt to “cleanse” intellectual life, issued by Édtions Syllepse, which has published critical Marxist, feminist, and anti-racist books, including ones by Raya Dunayevskaya and Kevin B. Anderson — Editors
Against the Monstrous Delusion of “Islamo-Leftism”
We will not give up the task of exposing the mechanisms of exploitation and oppression.
Beyond what is occurring in the universities, it is a blow against all independent and critical thought that a vast witch hunt is being organized today against the monstrous delusion of “Islamo-Leftism,” something created out of whole cloth by the guardians of the established order. Organized at the highest levels of the state, this destructive offensive is supported by a pack of reactionary ideologues.
In our writings published by Éditions Syllepse, we have tried to help expose the mechanisms of exploitation and oppression, based especially on the racialization of social relations and the patriarchal system. It is these efforts that this offensive seeks to check, if not to stifle.
It is all right to denounce social inequalities. But exposing the mechanisms of exploitation and oppression is clearly unacceptable. And in truth, we are proud of the latter sin.
We will not give in to rantings and threats. We will continue to explore the mechanisms of oppression, to dissect power relations and to outline the pathways to emancipation. We will not lay down our pens in the face this thought police, and we will not turn off our computers.
Our books will remain in the bookstores, for they are the banners we carry into the struggle.
— Authors Published by Éditions Syllepse
Gilbert Achcar, auteur de Le choc des barbaries ; Les autrices de Nous vous écrivons depuis la révolution: récits de femmes internationalistes au Rojava ; La revue AssiégéEs ; Pietro Basso, auteur de Le racisme européen ; Bachir Ben Barka, coordonnateur de Mehdi Ben Barka en héritage ; Marielle Benchehboune, autrice de Balayons les abus: expérience d’organisation syndicale dans le nettoyage ; Saïd Bouamama, auteur de «Planter du blanc», chroniques du (néo)colonialisme français ; Rachida Brahim, autrice de La race tue deux fois ; Pierre Cours-Salies, auteur de À la prochaine, de Mai 68 aux Gilets jaunes ; Christine Delphy, autrice d’Un universalisme si particulier ; Bernard Duterme, animateur de la collection «Alternative Sud» (CETRI) ; Didier Epzstajn, co-auteur du Guide du Paris colonial et des banlieues ; Frédéric Gircour, co-auteur de LKP, Guadeloupe : le mouvement des 44 jours ; Nathalie Lapeyre, co-autrice de Le genre au travail ; Séverine Lemière, co-autrice de Le genre au travail ; Patrick Le Tréhondat, co-auteur de Vive la discrimination positive ; Fernando Matamoros, auteur de La pensée coloniale au Mexique ; Mwasi, collectif afroféministe, auteur de Afrofem ; Dominique Natanson, co-auteur du Guide du Soissons colonial ; Fania Noël-Thomassaint, autrice de Afro-communautaire ; Danièle Obono, préfacière de Question juive / Question noire ; Roland Pfefferkorn, auteur de Genre et rapports sociaux de sexe ; Sophie Pochic, co-autrice de Le genre au travail ; Nicolas Rey, co-auteur de LKP, Guadeloupe: le mouvement des 44 jours ; André Rosevègue, co-auteur du Guide du Bordeaux colonial ; Mariana Sanchez, co-coordonnatrice de Catalogne : la République libre – An 01 ; Patrick Silberstein, préfacier de Question juive / Question noire ; Rachel Silvera, co-autrice de Le genre au travail ; Maboula Soumahoro, postfacière de Sur la question noire.
The French original of this statement can be found here: