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Shaista Aziz,
Dawn Butler,
Aliyah Hasinah,
Peter Hudis,
Ndindi Kitonga

June 6, 2020 Length: 33 words 0 comments

[Video] America’s Uprising: Racism, Violence, Inequality and the Far Right

Summary: Recorded video of an online presentation and discussion on June 6, on “America’s Uprising: Racism, Violence, Inequality and the Far Right” sponsored by Another Europe is Possible.

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Jessica Pisano

May 20, 2020 Length: 89 words 2 comments

[Video] Dismantling Democracy

“Authoritarian Politics,” presentation at panel on “Dismantling Democracy,” with Kevin B. Anderson, a Marxist-Humanist, and Jessica Pisano, part of NEH-supported colloquium series chaired by Julia Rothenberg and Laura Cohen, and sponsored by the Harriet and Kenneth Kupferberg Holocaust Center at Queensborough Community College of the City University of New York (May 6-on zoom).

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Peter Hudis

May 5, 2020 Length: 9 words 0 comments

[Video] Short Introduction to “Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism” by Peter Hudis

A short video explaining the author’s book, Marx’s Concept of the Alternative to Capitalism – Editors

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Peter Hudis

March 8, 2020 Length: 6 words 0 comments

[Video] Understanding Rosa Luxemburg’s Life and Work

Interview with Peter Hudis, editor of the Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, on the life and legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. In cooperation with Verso Books and the Rosa Luxemburg-Stiftung – Editors.

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Michael Löwy

January 3, 2020 Length: 13 words 0 comments

[Video] Um Marx do ponto de vista da periferia

Summary: This short video on the new translation of Kevin B. Anderson’s “Marx at the Margins” was first published on the website of Boitempo Editorial (Sao Paulo) on December 18, 2019, here: — Editors

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Peter Hudis

March 21, 2019 Length: 16 words 2 comments

[Audio] Peter Hudis’s Introduction to Reading “Marxism and Freedom” by Raya Dunayevskaya

In this January 2019 talk to an ongoing study group in Sheffield, UK (contact us for more info), Peter Hudis introduces Dunayevskaya’s Marxism and Freedom and takes up its importance for today – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Chris Nineham

November 21, 2018 Length: 6 words 0 comments

[Audio] Marx & Colonialism

Summary: Chris Nineham interviews Kevin B. Anderson on race, colonialism and revolution, especially in Marx’s late writings. First appeared in Counterfire (22 minutes) — Editors

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Coalition for Peace; Revolution and Social Justice (CPRSJ)

June 19, 2018 Length: 5 words 0 comments

[Video] Walkout at the Left Forum against Ajamu Baraka’s Assad Apologism

Summary: The pro-Syria revolution left walked out of Green Party leader Ajamu Baraka’s speech at the Left Forum in New York, due to his longstanding support of the murderous Assad regime. First appeared in Coalition for Peace, Revolution, and Social Justice (CPRSJ), here — Editors

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Douglas Lain

June 8, 2018 Length: 12 words 0 comments

[Video] What Does the Working Class Know? A Report on the Left Forum

Summary: Douglas Lain of Zero Books on what he takes to have been the highlights of Left Forum 2018. Marxist-Humanism features prominently, with Peter Hudis’s theorization of Marx’s concept of labor contrasted to that of the late Moishe Postone –Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Alexander Reid Ross,
Javier Sethness

March 25, 2017 Length: 23 words 0 comments

[Video] From Marx and Bakunin in the First International through the Russian Revolution

Summary: Panel discussion at the Orange County (LA area) Anarchist Book Fair, with two anarchists and one Marxist-Humanist — Editors

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Peter Hudis,
Sasha Lilley

November 29, 2016 Length: 3 words 0 comments

[Audio] Marx on Life After Capitalism

Summary: Capitalism appears to many to be a failed system. We’re also told that the alternative posed by Karl Marx is similarly bankrupt. As against the experience of the Soviet Union and China, Peter Hudis argues that freedom — including from a repressive state apparatus — was central to Marx’s concept of life after capitalism. Sasha Lilley interview with Peter Hudis on “Against the Grain,” KPFK-FM, Pacifica Radio (1 hr) — Editors

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Sandra Rein

May 26, 2016 Length: 5 words 0 comments

[Video] Luxemburg Saw Reform as a Means and Revolution as the Goal

Summary: From plenary panel at Left Forum, New York, on “Rosa Luxemburg: Reform or Revolution?” that also featured Chris Hedges and Richard Wolff, and moderated by Laura Flanders (20 mins.) — Editors

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Peter Hudis

April 16, 2016 Length: 13 words 1 comments

[Video] Why Frantz Fanon Matters to Today’s Struggles Against Racism and Imperialism

Summary: This lecture by Hudis on his 2015 book, Frantz Fanon, Philosopher of the Barricades, was presented to a March 13, 2016 meeting of the Los Angeles chapter of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization at the Westside Peace Center (60 minutes), here: part 1 of 2 and part 2 of 2 — Editors

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Kate Evans,
Peter Hudis,
Mirjam Zadoff

April 14, 2016 0 comments

[Audio] Red Rosa: Eagle of the Revolution

Summary: Kate Evans, co-author (with Paul Buhle) of Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography; Peter Hudis, General Editor of Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg; and Mirjam Zadoff of Indiana University — in conversation on March 8 2016  (International Women’s Day) on Doug Storm’s “Interchange” on radiofreeamerica (WFHB radio), Bloomington, Indiana (60 mins.), HERE — Editors.

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Peter Hudis,
Rasul Mowatt,
Michelle Moyd,
Doug Storm

February 9, 2016 0 comments

[Audio] Interchange — Frantz Fanon: Toward a New Humanism

Summary: Conversation about Peter Hudis’s new book, Frantz Fanon: Philosopher of the Barricades, hosted by Doug Storm on “Interchange,” a program on WHFB, Bloomington (Indiana) Community Radio (1 hr.) — Editors

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