
Home / Media

Ndindi Kitonga,
Jared Ware

March 23, 2024 Length: 191 words 0 comments

[Video] Fanon, Anti-Colonial Education and Marxist-Humanism with Ndindi Kitonga

Summary: In this episode, sponsored by Millennials Are Killing Capitalism Live!, Jared Ware welcome Ndindi Kitonga to the show to discuss Frantz Fanon, Marxist-Humanism, and Ndindi’s work on anti-colonial education and pedagogy – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Michael Löwy

January 16, 2024 Length: 23 words 0 comments

[Video] Dialectics & Marxism: Looking at Lukács and Korsch from Today, on the 100th Anniversary of Their Great Works

Summary: This program was established by Turkish Marxists on the 100th anniversary of Lukács “History and Class Consciousness,” and Korsch’s “Marxism and Philosophy” — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

February 8, 2023 Length: 145 words 0 comments

[Audio] Kevin B. Anderson on the Anti-Colonial Marx

Summary: Interview with Kevin B. Anderson on how Marx was far more attuned to questions of race and ethnicity than his critics would have you believe – Editors

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Eric Blanc,
Peter Hudis,
Isabel Loureiro,
David McNally,
Lori Turner

January 25, 2023 Length: 194 words 0 comments

[Video] Rosa Luxemburg: On Revolution

Summary Recording of book launch for Volume IV of the Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, Political Writings 2, “On Revolution” (1906–1909). Hosted by Verso Books and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Editors.

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December 4, 2022 Length: 81 words 0 comments

[Audio] Intersectional Marxism & the Search for a Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

Summary: Recording of public meeting in London – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Peter Hudis

September 15, 2022 Length: 10 words 1 comments

[Video] Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme – Contemporary Reflections

Summary: Peter Hudis and Kevin Anderson reflect on the new edition of Marx’s Critique of the Gotha Programme in this discussion hosted by Paul Reynolds of Historical Materialism Journal (London) — Editors

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Lilia D. Monzó

June 7, 2022 Length: 122 words 0 comments

[Video] Toward a unifying struggle against capitalism, racism, sexism and all forms of oppression

Summary: Interview with Professor Lilia D. Monzó – Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson

March 23, 2022 0 comments

[VIDEO] “Marx Nas Margens” Interview with Kevin Anderson

Kevin B. Anderson discusses Marx Nas Margens (2019 Brazilian Portuguese publication of Marx at the Margins) and more with TV A Comuna. –Editors

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Peter Hudis,

October 26, 2021 Length: 349 words 0 comments

[Video] This is Revolution: The Legacy of Frantz Fanon

Summary: Interview with Peter Hudis about the Legacy of Frantz Fanon — Editors

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Heather A. Brown,
Sevgi Doğan,
Kieran Durkin,
Barbara Epstein,
Lewis Gordon,
Peter Hudis,
Ndindi Kitonga,
Paul Mason,
Lilia D. Monzó,
Rhaysa Ruas,
Alessandra Spano

July 10, 2021 Length: 464 words 0 comments

Mini-Conference: Debating Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism

Summary: Recordings of the three panels discussing various aspects of Raya Dunayevskaya’s intersectional Marxism. Presentations by Lewis Gordon, Barbara Epstein, Paul Mason, Kevin B. Anderson, and many more – Editors.

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Daniel Finn,
Peter Hudis

March 3, 2021 Length: 68 words 0 comments

[Audio] Peter Hudis on Frantz Fanon and the Revolution Against Racism

Long Reads is a Jacobin podcast looking in-depth at political topics and thinkers, both contemporary and historical, with the magazine’s longform writers. Hosted by Features Editor Daniel Finn.

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David Black,
Kieran Durkin,
Karel Ludenhoff,
Paul Mason,
Alessandra Spano

March 3, 2021 Length: 429 words 0 comments

[Video] Raya Dunayevskaya’s Intersectional Marxism

Get to know Raya Dunayevskaya’s brand of intersectional Marxism at this book launch event sponsored by the IMHO. Recorded on February 17, 2021. Speakers: Paul Mason, Alessandra Spano, Karel Ludenhoff, David Black, and Kieran Durkin — Editors.

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Kieran Durkin,
Daniel Finn

February 3, 2021 Length: 95 words 0 comments

[Audio] Kieran Durkin on Erich Fromm, Marxist Humanism, and the Revolution of Hope

Summary: Long Reads is a Jacobin podcast looking in-depth at political topics and thinkers, both contemporary and historical, with the magazine’s longform writers. Hosted by Features Editor Daniel Finn.

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