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Articles in Spanish

Kevin B. Anderson

Los asesinatos de París en un contexto global

This article was translated into Spanish by José Demócrito Pérez-Ardá and published in Marxismo Critico. The original, entitled “The Paris Assassinations in Global Context,” was published in the Inter…

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Kevin B. Anderson

The Paris Assassinations in Global Context

The killings at Charlie Hebdo and the kosher supermarket in the context of global jihadism and imperialism, which feed on each other, and of free speech/ethnic oppression and their contradictions, esp…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Ucrania: Aspiraciones democráticas y rivalidad interimperialista

Summary: This article was translated into Spanish and published in Viento Sur (Spain). The original, entitled “Ukraine: Democratic Aspirations 
and Inter-imperialist Rivalry,” was published in New Pol…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Ucrania: Aspiraciones democráticas y rivalidad interimperialista

This article was translated into Spanish and published in Viento Sur (Spain). The original, entitled “Ukraine: Democratic Aspirations 
and Inter-imperialist Rivalry,” was published in New Politics 15:…

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Joanne Landy,
Sean Larson

Crisis in Ukraine: A New Politics Pamphlet

Three analyses of Ukraine that were issued separately as a pamphlet and will appear in the independent socialist journal New Politics 15:1 (Summer 2014) – Editors (French Translation) (Spanish Transla…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Los escritos tardíos de Marx sobre Rusia reexaminados

Summary: This article was translated into Spanish by Alex Appel and published in Marxismo Critico. The original, entitled “Marx’s Late Writings on Russia Re-Examined” was first published in November 2…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Los escritos tardíos de Marx sobre Rusia reexaminados

This article was translated into Spanish by Alex Appel and published in Marxismo Critico. The original, entitled “Marx’s Late Writings on Russia Re-Examined” was first published in November 2007 and c…

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Kevin B. Anderson

De los ‘Grundrisse’ al ‘Capital’: Temas Multilineales

Summary: This article was translated into Spanish by Ana Rosa Álvarez Rubio and published in MarxismoCritico. The original, entitled “From the ‘Grundrisse’ to ‘Capital’: Multilinear Themes,” was publi…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Sobre la dialéctica de la raza y de la clase. Los escritos de Marx sobre la guerra civil, 150 años después

This article was translated into Spanish by José Mª Fernández Criado and published in Marismo Critico. The original, entitled ““On the Dialectics of Race and Class: Marx’s Civil War Writings, 150 Year…

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