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Articles in French

Raya Dunayevskaya

Subjectivisme et politique

Summary: A critique and an appreciation of Trotsky as revolutionary and as thinker (translated into French and published by A L’encontre) — Editors

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Gilberto López y Rivas

Le marxisme humaniste de Raya Dunayevsakaya

Summary: This year the centenary of the birth of the theoretician and revolutionary Marxist Raya Dunayevskaya is being celebrated. Originally appeared SolidaritéS, No. 169, March 6, 2010. -E ditors

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Isabelle Garo

Le peuple chez Marx, entre proletariat et nation [The People According to Marx: Between Proletariat and Nation]

Summary: To be sure, Marx referred to the proletariat in an internationalist sense, across national boundaries. He also, on occasion, used the category of the “people,” the latter often in terms of na…

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Kevin B. Anderson

Rosa Luxemburg: Feministe et révolutionnaire

Summary: Comme étudiant de Raya Dunayevskaya, qui travaille sur Rosa Luxemburg, je voudrais faire quelques remarques sur son dernier livre qui porte sur Marx, Luxemburg et le mouvement de libération d…

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