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Articles in Chinese, English, Persian

Peter Hudis

From the Economic Crisis to the Transcendence of Capital

Many on the Left fail to see the current economic crisis as a structural crisis of capitalism in which capital is fighting for a redistribution of value from labor to capital as a means of its own sur…

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Kevin B. Anderson,
Ayob Rahmani

“Interview with Kevin B. Anderson”

Originally appeared in Global Discourse: A Developmental Journal of Research in Politics and International Relations, Vol. 1: Issue II: Special Issue Part 2: Examining the Contemporary Relevance of Ma…

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Kevin B. Anderson

On the Dialectics of Race and Class: Marx’s Civil War Writings, 150 Years Later

Marx’s dialectic of race and class is related to that of Frantz Fanon and to the Civil War in the U.S., which unleashed many revolutionary possibilities – Editors.

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Peter Hudis

Reading Rosa

Interview with Peter Hudis on The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg with Red Pepper (London).

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Kevin B. Anderson

Not Just Capital and Class: Marx on Non-Western Societies, Nationalism and Ethnicity

While Marx’s major writings concentrated on capital and class in Western Europe, he also wrote extensively on ethnicity and nationalism, colonialism, and non-Western societies. A slightly different ve…

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