Modi 3.0 and the Far-Right: Possibilities and Contradictions
Summary: Reflections on Indian elections based on presentation to July 2024 Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization
Summary: Reflections on Indian elections based on presentation to July 2024 Convention of the International Marxist-Humanist Organization
Summary: Two Marxist-Humanist writers, one a young intellectual and other a veteran worker activist, offer their analyses – Editors
Summary: Modi attacks the tiny Maldives nation, in a quest for profit, while stoking Islamophobia and the crassest nationalism — Editors.
Summary: The Indian Government under Narendra Modi has deviated from India’s traditional stand regarding the statehood of Palestine and it is more than just Islamophobia — Editors.
Summary: Based on a report from India to the July IMHO Convention, Chicago, July 2022 — Editors